Glorifying God by Restoring His Covenant Symbol


Telling the truth in society today comes with a price.

But which is more dangerous, fearing society and allowing it to dictate your words and actions, or fearing the Lord, Creator of all things?

In Jesus’ own words:

“Do not fear those who kill the body but are not able to kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell,” (Matt. 10:28).

Because of the biblical call-to-action to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ and impart His teachings across all the earth, Rabbi Kirt Schneider has launched the “Taking Back the Rainbow” initiative to restore the biblical symbol of God’s promise and glory.

“I had to do something immediately to take a stand against this spirit that is sweeping the Western world and has taken it by force. I’m speaking about the spirit behind the LGBTQ agenda,” says Schneider.

“This blurring the lines between God’s original design of created…where there is no longer a male and female, but now people are choosing their own sex…choosing their own gender.

“It brings confusion, and its coming with such force and shutting the mouths of believers that something rose up in me. It’s time to come against this thing and take the rainbow back. The rainbow is just a symbol of what this thing is all about,” he adds.

The rainbow is the symbol of God’s covenant with humanity, says Schneider, and that when we read the Bible and learn about the end of the earth in Revelation, God honors that covenant He made with Noah because fire will reign down on the earth, not water.

“The Lord said it is an everlasting covenant. What’s everlasting is God’s love for humanity. That’s what was grieving God’s heart, that He loved [the] man He created in His own image, yet He had to wipe it out with a flood. The rainbow is the sign of the covenant of God’s love for you and I,” Schneider explains.

Yet the rainbow is so much more than an everlasting symbol of God’s covenant and love for His creation.

It is a manifestation of God’s divine glory that encircles the very throne of God in heaven.

John wrote seeing this when he was given the Revelation and describes what he saw in Revelation 4:2-3:

“Immediately I was in the Spirit. And there was a throne set in heaven with One sitting on the throne! And He who sat there appeared like a jasper and a sardius stone. There was a rainbow around the throne, appearing like an emerald.”

“The seven major colors are love and God is light…and when that white light divides into the seven colors of a rainbow, and you think about seven, it’s God’s holy number,” explains Schneider.

“So, this rainbow is a holy thing. The devil knew what he was doing. When he claimed the rainbow to be the symbol of the LGBTQ movement, he knew what he was doing. He was going after God. He was trying to pervert something that he knew was so holy to God and meant so much to who He is, and His purpose for mankind. So, this is all out war between the powers of darkness and the kingdom of God,” Schneider says.

All of this effort to restore the rainbow to the significance and meaning of God’s intent for it will be wasted if the love of Jesus is not in the center of such a movement.

Emotions can flare up when conversing about such a controversial topic, and the last thing Christians should do is push people away from Jesus instead of pulling them towards Him.

“This needs to be done in love. The challenge that I think many of God’s people are facing now is our compassion for people. In our love for people, we end up being overwhelmed by our feelings of compassion and our feelings of love, and our desire not to want to hurt or offend anybody. Speak the truth in love, but the truth has to be spoken. We’re the salt of the earth and the light of the world,” concludes Schneider.

To learn more about the movement, “Taking the Rainbow Back,” visit Rabbi Schneider’s website here as he works to unite God’s people to stand up for righteousness. {eoa}

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James Lasher is Staff Writer for Charisma Media.


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