Through the Lens of Prophecy: Unpacking the End Times
In the most recent episode of ‘Revelation Decoded,’ Rabbi Kirt Schneider brings striking clarity to the biblical prophecies surrounding the last days. With his signature passion and depth of knowledge, he walks his audience through Scripture, connecting ancient prophecy to the world we see unfolding before us.
“The Hebrew Bible has a lot to say about the tribulation and the last days,” Rabbi Schneider begins, immediately framing the discussion around the prophetic voices of Jeremiah and Daniel. These seers, he explains, foresaw a period of unparalleled upheaval—what the prophet Jeremiah calls “Jacob’s trouble.” It’s a warning that, according to Schneider, is as relevant now as it was when first recorded.
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One of the most compelling threads in this episode is Israel’s central role in God’s plan for both judgment and redemption.
“God loves the Jewish people. He loves Israel with an irreversible love,” Rabbi Schneider declares, emphasizing that Israel’s calling remains unchanged despite centuries of persecution. That love, however, has not shielded them from suffering. “Anti-Semitism is a disease, it’s spiritual… the devil hates God.” Schneider doesn’t shy away from confronting the reality of historic and modern hatred toward the Jewish people, describing a personal encounter with an anti-Semite who accused Israel of committing atrocities akin to those of Hitler.
But if history has shown anything, it’s that Israel remains at the heart of God’s redemptive work. The rabbi points to the words of Yeshua Himself: “You’ll not see me again until you’re saying, ‘Baruch haba b’shem Adonai.’” The return of the Messiah, he asserts, is directly tied to the Jewish people recognizing Yeshua and calling upon Him. “Salvation begins with the Jewish people… and the culmination of God’s plan of salvation will come with the Jewish people coming to faith.”
This connection between Israel, the Tribulation and the return of the Messiah is one that Rabbi Schneider illustrates with both Old and New Testament Scriptures. He cites Yeshua’s warning from Matthew 24: “For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not happened since the beginning of the world until now, nor shall there ever be.” The language echoes Daniel’s prophecy: “There shall be a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation.” The rabbi doesn’t mince words—what’s coming is unparalleled in history.
He also draws attention to the comparisons Yeshua made between the last days and the days of Noah and Lot. “The earth was corrupt before God and filled with violence,” Schneider quotes from Genesis. “Sex and violence is what sells,” he adds, urging his audience to reflect on modern entertainment and its glorification of immorality. This is a clear message that society is mirroring the very conditions that, according to Scripture, preceded divine judgment.
But this episode isn’t just about warning—it’s also about a call to action. “If you’re not fully committed to the Lord… if you don’t realize that you’re going to stand before Him and give an account for your life,” Schneider implores, “get on your knees, turn to Him right now, ask Him to forgive you.” He leaves no room for passivity. Now is the time for repentance. Now is the time to live for the Lord.
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James Lasher is staff writer for Charisma Media.