Tongue of Angels: Unveiling the Mystery of Heavenly Communication


In a recent teaching, evangelist Perry Stone delved into a fascinating topic in the Bible—the “tongue of angels” mentioned in 1 Corinthians 13:1.

“Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels and have not love, I am a sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal,” Stone quotes, pointing to the apostle Paul’s declaration. According to Stone, this verse opens a line of discussion not only on the necessity of love but also on the spiritual dimensions of language.

A Heavenly Language Rooted in Scripture

Stone contextualizes his teaching by revisiting the origins of language as portrayed in the Bible. From Adam and Eve’s unbroken communication with God to the singular language spoken before the Tower of Babel, he highlights the possibility of a heavenly tongue preserved through history. “Paul said in Acts, ‘I heard the Lord speak to me out of Heaven in the Hebrew tongue.’ This raises the question: Is there a form of Hebrew or a divine language spoken in heaven?” Stone asks.

While acknowledging scholarly debates, Stone points to the role of the Holy Spirit in bridging earthly and heavenly communication. Near-death experiences and spiritual encounters often reveal languages understood supernaturally, further supporting this idea.

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A Gift for Divine Intervention

Perhaps most compelling is Stone’s explanation of the practical role of angelic languages. Reflecting on his own personal experiences, he describes moments of imminent danger where unknown words emerged from his spirit. “We would just blurt out words of the Holy Spirit,” he shares. “The Bible in King James calls it an ‘unknown tongue,’ meaning it’s unknown to the speaker but known to God Himself.”

Stone proposes that speaking in an angelic tongue might serve a unique purpose—calling on God’s angels for assistance. “By speaking in the language of an angel, you may be calling on an angel to bring you some type of assistance,” he explains. This perspective offers Spirit-filled believers an awe-inspiring glimpse into how prayer languages can operate in moments of intercession.

A Shift in the Spirit

Stone also highlights how Spirit-led prayer can result in unexpected shifts in a believer’s prayer language. “There may be times that your prayer tongue or language will shift into one you’re not familiar with,” he says. Far from being random, these shifts reflect the Holy Spirit’s guidance in navigating unseen spiritual realities. “It could be possible that your spirit senses danger, or you’re praying for divine intervention.”

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A Call to Embrace the Supernatural

For Stone, the study of the tongue of angels is not just theological speculation but a reminder of the Holy Spirit’s active role in the believer’s life. “There are languages of Earth and languages of heaven,” he affirms. “Through the Holy Spirit, we can pray emergency prayers that get the direct attention of an angel of God.”

This revelation serves as both an encouragement and a challenge to the body of Christ. In a time when negativity abounds, Stone’s teaching reminds us of the profound hope and power available through the gifts of the Spirit. As Stone says, “It’s good to hear a positive word of what God can do in us and in your life.”

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For those of us seeking to deepen our understanding of spiritual gifts, Stone’s insights offer both inspiration and practical application. The tongue of angels is not merely a theological concept but a tool gift from the Holy Spirit, affirming our supernatural relationship with God.

James Lasher is staff writer for Charisma Media.


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