Was This Charles Capps 1981 Prophecy for Today?


With the development of social media throughout the information era, we now have instant access to sermons from latter decades we never would have previously been able to learn from.

Thankfully, voices like Joseph and Heather Z are sharing prior prophetic words with the world and showcasing how they relate to us today.

This is the case with a prophetic word from Bible teacher and Pastor Charles Capps given back in 1981.

“It’s not very long, but I believe it has to do with our current situation in the political arena,” Joseph shares.

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Here is the word Capps gave some 43 years ago:

“There are gonna be men that are gonna be framed and conspiracies against them to remove them from high positions, and to keep some from getting in high positions. There will be great pains and great effort given to put them down—expose them—and reveal things that are lies against them. To deliver them from high government positions. But in the end, it shall be that there will be a turning around of what the enemy has wrought and bring forth the manifestation, and those that have done it will be exposed and expelled. And those that have been conspired against shall rise to higher government position. For this nation shall walk in the ways of the Lord, for My people have interceded and called upon Me and believed Me for supernatural things, and now you are gonna see it, thus saith the Lord. Glory to God.”

“That sounds familiar doesn’t it?” Joseph asks.

“It’s kind of like the Lord knows what He is doing,” Heather Z responds with a wry grin.

The Z’s share how words like this, nearly half-a-century old, give hope and release faith onto those who hear the words and are encouraged to know that God is still in control.

“This is 43 years ago that he prophesied this and I believe he’s speaking directly into our modern circumstance, what we’re dealing with right now in the culture,” Joseph says.

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Prophetic words like this not only showcase a spiritual victory on the horizon, but also line up accurately with other words the Lord has given to His people which others are sharing.

“It sounds like a turnaround,” Joseph shares. “It sounds like that attack is going to turn to a comeback. There are a lot of prophetic words lining up with this, and I believe that we’re going to save America just in the nick of time.”

“I believe that the Lord brings things like this so that we can pray,” Heather says. “So that we can use the power of our words, so we can speak to a thing, we can speak into a situation…we can take these things and attach them by faith and begin to move things in prayer…but also be proactive.”

As more people across the United States are standing up and speaking out for God and His ways, we must all continue to live in the mindset of James 2:26 and put our faith into action.

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James Lasher is Staff Writer for Charisma Media.


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