'19 Kids and Preaching'

WATCH: ’19 Kids & Preaching’ Showcases Duggar Family’s Faith


A new video called 19 Kids and Preaching shows that the Duggar family members are passionate about their Christian faith. While they often pray and talk about God on their TV program, this video shows them getting out of their comfort zone to share their faith with others.

“If you follow the famous family, you’ve no doubt enjoyed watching them throughout their many adventures,” says Ray Comfort, executive producer of 19 Kids and Preaching.

“From shopping and preparing meals, to traveling and skydiving, with a family of 19 kids it’s always life at the extremes. But you’ve never seen them do anything as exciting or controversial as open-air preaching.”

On the video, Comfort, a seasoned evangelist and TV host, teaches the family how to follow in the footsteps of the great evangelists of the past by preaching the gospel in the open air. Joshua Duggar preaches outside the White House, and Jim Bob and Michelle testify to their Christian faith in the open air at a local university. Learn more about the program here.



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