We Are in the Time of the Mass Deception
“Concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only,” (Matt. 24:36).
While none of us know the exact day and time that Jesus will return again, we can be certain that He will do so. However, there are clues throughout Scripture that reveal we may be nearing the fulfillment of prophecy in our generation. In a recent podcast, John Bevere emphasized the importance of understanding not only the certainty of Christ’s return but also the signs that point to its nearness.
“The frequency that His second coming is talked about eight times more than his first coming over,” says Bevere. “Over 2,400 Scriptures in the Bible talk about His Second Coming.”
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One of Bevere’s key points is how Jesus rebuked the people of His time for not recognizing the signs of His first coming, and that warning extends to us today regarding His second. Just as the people missed the significance of the Messiah’s arrival, we too are at risk of missing the signs of His impending return. One of these signs that Christ is returning soon is the sign of deception.
“When I look at what’s happening today in our society, when I look at what we’re teaching our children, when I look about us trying to pervert gender all the things are happening,” says Bevere. “We’re wandering off an established path.”
This coming deception, according to Bevere, is headed directly for the church.
“There’s going to be mass deception, and that deception of these false teachers…is going to lead to lawless living and lawless thinking,” says Bevere.
Bevere says with confidence and boldness that he believes we are in the season of Jesus’ Second Coming.
“We are in the generation that will see His return,” says Bevere.
Bevere points to Luke 17:43 as a reference to the timing of Christ’s return, and how the people will not know “the time of your visitation.”
This is a warning we should seriously heed. Many who once walked faithfully will be deceived by false teachings and lawlessness, resulting in a departure from biblical truth. This deception will thrive on offense, betrayal and hatred, creating fertile ground for false prophets to rise and mislead many, even within the church. As lawlessness increases, the love of many will grow cold, leading to widespread spiritual compromise. Now is the time to remain vigilant, anchored in God’s Word, and discerning in these perilous times.
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Abby Trivett is content development editor for Charisma Media.