We Must Invite Him In


“But an hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers” (John 4:23, NASB).

How do we worship God in the spirit? The first thing we must understand is that in order to worship God in the spirit, we must be authentic. We must be real. Many of us have been caught in a religious trap or religious approach. Too often, the only prayers we pray are the ones we have learned from others or those we have memorized in church. Although some of these prayers can be very powerful and doctrinally sound, to enter into deep waters, we must bare our souls to the Lord.

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We must expose our hearts to Him. We must talk to Him as if speaking to a friend. He wants us to confide in Him, sharing our deepest fears, insecurities and desires. We need to open our hearts to the Father because He can only come in to the degree that we invite Him. If we limit our conversations with Him to only reciting religious prayers and do not open up our souls by disclosing who we really are, He cannot come in and dwell with us in a profound way. Beloved, we need to hide nothing from God. He already knows everything about us. But, again, He can only come in as far as we are willing to ask Him.

There is a mystery about our relationship with HaShem (God). Although God knows everything, and He is everywhere, He only comes in and dwells when He has an invitation. He is a gentleman. He can intrude any time He wants to, and at times, He does do that. But that is not the kind of relationship Father desires. He is not looking for a robot. He is looking for somebody who desires Him.

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We exist in God because all His creation is upheld by His power, and yet as unique individuals, we are separate from God. The only real way we can be united with Him is when we choose to be completely open to Him.

What makes humankind unique? What is it about you and me that stands apart from all of God’s other creations? First, it is our awareness, the fact that we have consciousness. As humans, we can analyze and discern at a level of awareness animals lack. Second, it is our ability to choose. Animals can choose to eat this or that, but these are merely survival instincts. I am talking about a moral quality—a higher superiority of consciousness and a deeper capability to choose. The gift we have to be spiritually aware and the aptitude we have to choose make us unique. We are created in God’s image (Gen. 1:27).

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