Church flash mob

What’s the Conspiracy Behind This Spiritual Flashmob?

Flash mobs made major media headlines in 2014, so it only seems right that the year would come to a close with a spiritual flash mob that lifts up the name of Jesus.
In case you aren’t familiar with the flash mob concept, it’s when a group of people flash onto the public scene and perform some attention-getting act.
Up to 5,000 people who are expected to attend Christmas Eve services this year at Liquid Church in New Jersey will be equipped to participate in a Christ-centered flash mob. 
Thousands will be commissioned to put their faith into action with a special twist on the crowd-favorite that infuses a biblical approach. The theme: community service and acts of generosity.
“We’re excited to see what happens as thousands of unsuspecting people meet our ‘conspiracy of kindness’ face-to-face and receive the love coming their way this Christmas,” says Tim Lucas, lead pastor of Liquid Church.
According to Lucas, the statewide spiritual flashmob incorporating “a conspiracy of kindness” element is planned on the heels of a recent event in December, where 700 volunteers from the church assembled over 10,000 hygiene kits for families in need in Nicaragua.
“Especially on a night like Christmas Eve, when others might not take notice of their circumstances,” Lucas says, “we want them to know that they really do matter to God.”

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