Alfred Kinsey

What the Media Won’t Tell You About the Sexual Revolution


The sexual revolution is widely viewed as one of our culture’s great achievements. Supporters rejoice in the freedom to do whatever pleases them sexually. They even say science proves it’s a basic part of human nature.

But many of the foundations of this philosophy are based on lies and distorted data.

The sexual beliefs that had been so deeply a part of our society have been shattered. Definitions of normal sexuality seem to change on a whim.

What happened to create such major changes? Who came up with these dangerous ideas?

Alfred Kinsey is known as the Father of the Modern Sexual Revolution. His two books published in 1948 and 1953, known as the Kinsey Report, were filled with startling claims that opened up new concepts about sexuality.

Kinsey said that humans were sexual from birth and what we deemed as immoral sexual behavior was actually normal, making it moral.

The Many Flaws of Kinsey’s Reports

But Kinsey’s findings had some major problems. They were based on lies and data collection methods that were unscientific and often horribly abusive, especially on babies and young children.

According to Dr. Tony Beam, Director of the Christian Worldview Center,

“Instead of studying normal, well-adjusted, emotionally stable men, Kinsey studied convicted sex offenders, prisoners and a cadre of assorted sexual perverts.”

Kinsey’s project even involved a World War II Nazi officer, Dr. Fritz von Balluseck, who raped hundreds of children.

Sue Ellin Browder wrote in Crisis Magazine that “Implicit in Kinsey’s report was the notion that these behaviors were biologically ‘normal’ and hurt no one. Therefore, people should act on their impulses with no inhibition or guilt.”

A year after his book on female sexuality came out, “Kinsey himself complained that almost no scientist outside of a few of his best friends continued to defend him.”

But despite the lies and fraud, Kinsey’s report found many willing believers. His opinions became the first steps toward the new social viewpoint about “unrepressed sexuality.”

Dr. Judith Reisman, PhD., author of Stolen Honor, Stolen Innocence, said, “That became the foundation for the sex educational structure that fed itself into what we are teaching our children right now.”

Dr. Reisman continued, “And of course it was the foundation of all the changes in our laws—the sodomy laws, the abortion laws, everything else. I mean, he’s there. His handprints are on everything that deals with sexuality.”

The Effects of the Kinsey Report Have Grown

Although it has been 70 years since Kinsey’s first book, his impact remains. Hugh Hefner became a strong follower and stated that he would become “Kinsey’s pamphleteer.” He would later create Playboy magazine, which reflected Kinsey’s ideas.

Kinsey’s philosophy can be seen in almost everything in our society. For example,

  • It has affected our legal system by reducing the penalty for sexual crimes and legalizing abortion.
  • The media promotes his views to our educational system and our children.
  • The drug industry has benefited by making products for the rise in STDs, sexual enhancers and the morning-after pill.
  • The increase in divorce and sexual crimes.

Jan LaRue, Concerned Women for America’s chief counsel, said, “The ongoing tragedy is that courts and legislatures continue to cite this crackpot’s junk science as justification for creating ‘rights’ and decriminalizing sexual offenses.”

Browder noted, “When Kinsey tore the mystery of love from human sexuality, he abandoned us all to a sexually broken world.”

Dr. Reisman said,

I want a Congressional investigation of Kinsey. At some point, we may, in fact, be able to get the public to be aware that they’ve been raped. The whole nation has been raped. That is what’s happened to us. We have been raped and you cannot expect to survive a rape without a great deal of illness, pain, and trauma and we’ve gone through it. Now we’ve gone through it and we’ve got to find a way to get out of it.

We Can’t Simply Blame Kinsey

As much as you may like to, you cannot place all the blame for the current state of pornography and sexual immorality only on his shoulders. You also can’t blame him for your own struggle with porn.

Saying “It’s Kinsey’s fault” does not relieve you of the responsibility of confronting your own porn addiction. If it was that easy, you would have been free a long time ago.

Dr. Ted Roberts, former pastor and Marine fighter pilot, explains in the Conquer Series that a struggle with pornography for many men is not about sex.

“It’s about how you’ve learned to medicate the pain in your life.”

Men who are in the midst of struggling with porn often don’t realize that what they need is a process to help them identify that pain and bring God’s healing to it.

Excuses and blame will not help you find freedom from pornography. There is no magic pill or quick fix. But there is help for you.

The Conquer Series Gives You Hope

The good news is that you can find freedom from pornography. There is an exciting resource—the Conquer Series—to guide you to victory.

The Conquer Series is helping over 500,000 men in 70 countries learn how to live a porn-free life. Each of the two volumes contains six DVDs packed with action military scenes, powerful testimonies and solid teaching.

To keep you focused every day, there are study guides and a journal filled with helpful exercises and insights related to the lessons.

And you can do it together with the men of your church or by yourself. The important thing is that you commit to doing it and follow through.

Order the Conquer Series today and take the first step to freedom. {eoa}

This article originally appeared on the Conquer Series website.


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