Why Believers Need to Live Out Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount Every Day


If you ask unbelievers around the world what they think about Christians, many of them will throw the word “hypocrite” around. A lot of the time, it’s because of a negative experience with a Christian who may have sinned in front of them or a believer who treated them in an ungodly manner.

Another issue many believers have is that we love to raise our voices against injustice loudly on social media and in person. However, we aren’t raising the same standard of love Jesus did, which rubs a lot of unbelievers the wrong way. and rightfully so. It is truly unfortunate that because of the misconduct of some, the reputation of the many is tainted.

Jesus’ sermon in Matthew 5-7 is undeniably His most famous teaching recorded in the Scriptures. Here, Jesus raises the bar of godly living and tells us what it looks like to live as a child of God in a dark and hurting world.

He tells us to do our good works before men so that many will glorify our Father in heaven as a result. He tells us not to showboat our spirituality for the praises of men but to live from the heart and in union with the Father even when no one is looking. He tells us to bless those who hurt us and pray for our enemies.

For believers, this sermon is a mandate that calls us higher and should grab us by the collar to hurl us into a greater intimacy with God and conviction to truly live like Jesus. Living the Beatitudes and the Sermon on the Mount is impossible in our flesh, but By His Spirit, it’s completely accessible. The world needs to see the church possessed with this reality now more than ever.

On the newest episode of Awaken Podcast, Michael Lombardo starts a brand-new series on the Sermon on the Mount, and in part one, he dives into the Beatitudes. Here, he shares foundational revelation of how to view the entire sermon and how we as believers can embrace its truth as well as walk it out on a daily basis. Tune in!

Connect with Michael Lombardo at lifepouredoutintl.org and on Facebook. Order his book, Immersed in His Glory, here. {eoa}

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