10th Avenue North Frontman: Stop Begging to Know God’s Will for Your Life


After years of wrestling with his obsession to know God’s will for his life, Tenth Avenue North lead singer Mike Donehey came to an “aha” moment. God had not revealed His plan to Donehey because God Himself was the plan.

Donehey had to ask God to change his will to seek the Lord first and focus on serving Him. And it all began with his prayer life.

“Before you ask God, ‘What’s your big plan for me?’ just say, ‘God, what’s in me that you want to take out?'” Donehey told Dr. Steve Greene on a recent episode of “Greenelines” on the Charisma Podcast Network. “I gave up begging to know God’s will and began to ask to help me get in His presence and to change my own will.

“For me, that means the first point is to go and pray with God. The problem is, in a fast-paced, achievement-driven, capitalistic society, to go and spend copious amount of time with God sounds like a waste, especially if you don’t hear from God. And now, I don’t even say I’m going to spend time with God because that puts you in an investment-return paradigm, and spending is a monetary term.

“So, I just go. I’m going to go and waste time with God. And here is what I always say. When I’ve wasted time with God that day, even if I haven’t heard from Him, I’m still at peace because I know I gave Him the chance to say something. We must all learn to see God as the plan, not simply the formula to the plan. Pour your heart out before the Lord and help me find a way to do what helps me serve, bless and meet people’s needs.”

For more of Mike Donehey’s story, listen to this podcast.


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