This woman almost died until the Holy Spirit revealed to her how she unknowingly opened the way for disease to afflict her body.

How Christians Open the Door to Disease


Obeying the Holy Spirit’s prompting, I arose early one morning in my home and went into the living room.

The house was quiet. The morning was beautiful. The husband and sons I loved so much were still asleep.

I slipped to my knees, bowed my head and said: “Lord, Your Word says that Your compassions fail not, and Your mercies are new every morning. Lord, I ask You to be merciful to me and let me live to raise the two sons You have given me.”

Almost immediately, God began to open my understanding to certain mistakes I’d made. He showed me that, without realizing it, I had counted on my good works to merit special attention from Him.

Right away, I repented of this sin, and as I waited quietly before the Lord, He showed me there is a fine line between divine healing and mind healing. The source of divine healing is Jesus Christ, but mind healing is using the force of your own will to make something come to pass through your own stubbornness.

The change from having faith in the finished work of Christ to having faith in my own ability had been so subtle that I was unaware of it when it happened. The Spirit of truth had to reveal it to me.

Healed in an Instant

I now knew how I had drifted from the simple gospel, and I asked God to forgive me. Slowly, an assurance began to fill my heart that I was healed of cancer!

Soon after that experience, I had biopsies of the two tumors in my breasts. No cancer was found!

Fifteen months later, after much prayer and guidance from the Holy Spirit, I submitted to an exploratory operation by the doctor who had performed the gold treatment. There still wasn’t any cancer! I was healed!

I am thoroughly convinced that the main reason many people have a recurrence of cancer is their fear that it will come back. The evil spirit works on the patient’s thought life until he or she finally yields to the fear of cancer and becomes a casualty again.

Through my experiences I have learned to resist thoughts of fear of a recurrence. I have stayed free of cancer for more than 30 years.

Cutting Ties

You can break all agreements you have ever made with the enemy—consciously or unconsciously. In the name of Jesus, you can be completely free so that casualty covenants have no power over you from this moment on.

Satan wants to keep you in the dark concerning any areas in your soul where you have yielded to the temptation to agree with him. Pray to the Father God in the name of Jesus Christ and ask Him to reveal to you any covenants you may have made with Satan in your life.

Receive God’s answer and act on it immediately, asking His forgiveness (1 John 1:9). God’s will is for us to enjoy abundant life. Jesus said, “I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of” (John 10:10, MSG).

Most of us suffer occasionally from attacks of negative emotions such as self-pity, fear, rejection and bitterness. Satan’s plan is always to deceive through these emotions to make something wrong seem right.

We can’t keep these transient attacks from coming to our thoughts. But just as we don’t have to let birds that fly over our heads make a nest in our hair, we also don’t have to dwell on those negative emotions.

Jesus came to set you free, and you can be “free indeed” (John 8:36). As you come to understand the devices of the devil to deceive you into making covenants with him, you can cut his evil influence out of your thoughts and decisions forever. {eoa}

Read a companion devotional.

Mickie Winborn is an ordained minister and author of Breaking Casualty Covenants (Harrison House). She is president of Mickie Winborn Ministries Inc., and lives in Houston with her husband, Kenneth.


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