How Satan Is Driving This Horrifying Epidemic


Every day, 197 Americans die from overdoses—and Christians are affected, too, says Adult and Teen Challenge President and CEO Gary Blackard. According to a recent survey conducted by Charisma Media, 84% of respondents say they or someone they know has been addicted to drugs.

Blackard spoke with Charisma News for the “Addicted” series, sponsored by Courage for Life.

Blackard believes much of this addiction rage is spiritual warfare.

“We believe Satan is directing this epidemic, using it as a way to kill people and destroy families,” Blackard says. “Every day, we see stories about parents being separated from their children, being imprisoned for their drug use or imprisoned for the crimes they committed because of their addiction.”

Breaking addiction is not just a physical or mental issue. Instead, it’s often a supernatural occurrence orchestrated by the Holy Spirit.

“Christ is the transformer of all our lives, and He alone transforms addiction,” says Blackard.

Listen to the podcast for more!


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