How to Step Into God’s Calling and Purposes in Today’s World


Read Time: 1 minute 40 seconds

Lying dormant inside of you are unique gifts and talents that God placed there for kingdom purposes. You might have creative ideas, books, business ventures, paintings or scientific equations to solve. The point being, we all have a starting point in life and it’s what we do with those gifts and talents that shape the rest of our lives.

Charisma News sat down with Zion Christian Fellowship pastor James Baker, who teaches in-depth how to step into God’s calling and purpose. Take a look at the parable of the talents in Matthew 25.

“They were rewarded according to their ability. If you want to steward a greater amount of money for His kingdom you need to increase your ability. Today we call it financial intelligence. People perish, not for a lack of faith, not for a lack of money, not for a lack of connections. People perish for a lack of knowledge,” Baker says.

Baker encourages Christians to invest in paper assets, business or real estate. You might be wondering if it’s too late for you. Are you retired? Or maybe feel like you don’t have enough money to invest. With investing, it’s never too late to get started.

“There are strategies and wealth paths that matches your situation and it’s never too late I promise,” he says.

God is the redeemer of time. It doesn’t matter what the enemy has tried to steal from your life, God can restore all things better than how they were before.

“God’s plan for you will still work. He can redeem the time. When He says His name is Redeemer here’s what it means: it doesn’t matter why you are in a financial pit. Redeemer means God gets in that pit with you and walks you out in His strength not your strength,” Baker says.

Tune in to the rest of the interview to join Baker in prayer. You can also check out his website with free tools and training at

  1. To watch part one of our interview with James Baker click here.
  2. To watch part two of our interview with James Baker click here.
  3. To watch part three of our interview with James Baker click here. {eoa}

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Shelby Bowen is an assistant editor for Charisma Media.


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