4 of 5 Civil War Warning Signs Are Present—What’s Next?


People from many different backgrounds have been issuing warnings about the direction America is heading for some time now.

Some have listened and heeded these warnings, while others scoff and continue living their lives, refusing to adapt to the world today.

However, when the Daily Signal sat down with historian, author and demographer Neil Howe, the warnings he has given reveal the chilling reality facing the United States.

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As reported by the Daily Signal,

In 1997, he published a book with Bill Strauss, “The Fourth Turning: An American Prophecy—What the Cycles of History Tell Us About America’s Next Rendezvous with Destiny.” In that book, he suggested five catalysts for a major crisis—and four of the five have already come to pass.

So what exactly are the five factors that could push America into its second civil war?

  1. Crisis over debt. This first factor already took place according to Howe. “One of our events was a crisis over the debt, which would issue forth in a new tea party movement,” Howe says, noting that we ironically named the ensuing movement the “Tea Party” in 2010 following the 2008 financial crisis.
  2. Weapon of mass destruction on U.S. soil. Howe believes that this came true on September 11, 2001. When the World Trade Center collapsed it brought with it widespread destruction as well as “enduring consequences.”
  3. A pandemic. We are only four years removed from when the world shut down due to the COVID-19 outbreak, and it is still fresh on many people’s minds.
  4. Russia will invade a former Soviet republic. This factor became a reality when Russia invaded Crimea in 2014. This event also took place prior to the current war Russia is engaged in, and many believe paved the way for, when Russia invaded Ukraine on Feb. 24, 2022.
  5. Federal nullification. This is the final factor that has yet to be realized. According to Howe, “A nullification crisis, where one or more of the states would actually nullify federal regulation, which would lead to a new secession movement.” While the state of Texas has been feuding with the federal government over the border, this issue will likely escalate with a Kamala Harris victory in November. The other state likely to stand up to the potentially radical communist directives from a Harris/Walz administration is the state of Florida, under Gov. Ron DeSantis. Who knows what type of chaos may ensue in places like California, Colorado, Minnesota, Washington or other deep-blue states should Donald Trump be re-elected. There have already been two attempts to assassinate him, another term as president could see untold chaos in major cities across the country.

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A civil war within the U.S. brings with it a situation of global ramifications. As the driving force behind world affairs, any disruption to U.S. military bases would have massive ramifications.

“If it requires our forces around the world to stand down for six months, the entire world will remake itself,” Howe says. “The entire world, for better or for worse, depends upon our presence to be what it is.”

Many Christians likely would also point to the end times impact such an event would have on biblical prophecy, and the likelihood of the revealing of the Beast and his world system.

Thankfully, Jesus sent His helper, the Holy Spirit, to guide His people during difficult times. He gave us a peace that passes understanding and that no matter what chaotic events are going on in the world around us, He is the One who will reign victorious in the end.

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James Lasher is staff writer for Charisma Media.


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