AI Claims to Have Revealed the Face of Jesus


The authenticity of the Shroud of Turin, a piece of cloth believed by some to have been the burial shroud of Jesus Christ, has been debated for centuries.

This has not stopped people from taking the image provided by scans of the shroud and producing potential images of what Jesus looked like during His time of ministry on earth.

People around the world are using artificial intelligence tools such as Merlin to create an image of Jesus based on the shroud, one of which has now gone viral.

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Residing at the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Turin, Italy, the shroud has a devout following who believe in its authenticity, yet many remain unconvinced that it is what people say it is.

As reported by the Daily Mail, “Research in the 1980s appeared to debunk the idea it was real after dating it to the Middle Ages, hundreds of years after Christ’s death.”

Yet now, Italian scientists have scanned the shroud using a new x-ray test and have claimed it reveals the religious relic to date back some 2,000 years to the days of Jesus in the New Testament.

Images are now circulating across the internet with a potentially accurate depiction of what Jesus looked like.

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According to the apostle John however, this is not what Jesus is going to look like when He returns.

This is how John describes Jesus’ appearance in his vision of the Revelation:

  • Hair: white like wool and snow
  • Eyes: aflame like fire
  • Feet: like brass refined in a furnace
  • Voice: like the sound of many waters
  • Appearance: bright like the sun shining

Putting our trust in the Word of God is the smartest thing we can do in an age of deception. While playing with image creation from AI bots can be fun, we must be careful about how much faith and trust we place in these technological advancements.

An AI bot is only as unbiased as those who program them, after all.

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James Lasher is staff writer for Charisma Media.


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