CN Morning Rundown: Jonathan Cahn: ‘Altars Must Be Broken’ for Worldwide Revival to Come


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Jonathan Cahn: ‘Altars Must Be Broken’ for Worldwide Revival to Come

Rabbi Jonathan Cahn says if there is to be worldwide revival in these end times, altars must be broken.

He doesn’t mean literal altars—as there are in churches—but metaphorical altars that have infiltrated the lives of believers and non-believers alike and have transformed our culture into a den of iniquity.

It’s part of the reason why he wrote his latest and perhaps his most important book, “Return of the Gods,” which releases today, Sept. 6. In the book, he reveals that the gods of the ancient pagan world have now returned to the modern world, to the West and specifically to America.

A Spiritual Shifting: Americans Awakening to Dangers of Globalism

When 250,000 people gathered on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. on Sept. 26, 2020 for The Return: National and Global Day of Prayer and Repentance, many hoped that the first day of national repentance since the Civil War would inspire God to intervene in America’s political quagmire, reversing the nation’s nosedive toward judgment.

At critical moments in American history—from the Revolutionary War to the Civil War—from George Washington to Abraham Lincoln, presidents on dozens of occasions sought God’s miraculous intervention via national days of repentance.

Nick Vujicic: The Basics of Starting a Fire to Reach 8 Billion People

If Gen Z is for Jesus and suicide free—as a few new ministries boldly proclaim—then its people must embrace the basics of the Christian faith in order to fulfill God’s plan for this generation.

That is only part of Evangelist Nick Vujicic’s message to Gen Z, which recently gathered for a four-day “Jesus Woodstock” in Texas with baptisms, communion, outreach, 24-7 prayer, worship, gospel proclamation and Bible teaching.

Vujicic, who was born without arms and legs and attempted suicide when he was 10-years old, says the basics include faith in Jesus and Bible reading, which empower people to live in freedom and victory over the enemies of sin, depression, addictions and the devil. {eoa}


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