Casting Out Demonic Spirits: Why Deliverance is Necessary


“These signs will accompany those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; if they drink any deadly thing, it will not hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover,” (Mark 16:17-18).

Part of the Great Commission is for believers of Jesus Christ to cast out demons. However, many do not understand the importance behind this, or know how to go about deliverance biblically.

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After 13 years of discussing the idea of writing a book, Isaiah Saldivar has finally released his new book, “How to Cast Out Demons.” With this read, it is Saldivar’s goal to help all followers of Jesus learn how to cast out demons in a practical and effective manner.

To order Isaiah Saldivar’s new book, “How to Cast Out Demons,” visit

“[This book] is a training manual,” Saldivar says in a new livestream about the book. “I’m praying that this could be something you put in the hands of friends, of family that are scared of deliverance.”

Saldivar points out how deliverance has been a taboo thing in the church for too long even though it is the very thing that Jesus Himself practiced.

“We have so many pastors that don’t cast out demons; they cast out people that are on fire in their church,” says Saldivar.

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What is needed, Saldivar says, is a deliverance revival. Seeing the captives set free from their bondage so they can walk in a new life filled with the Holy Spirit and on fire for Jesus is what the body of Christ needs today.

“I was thinking in 50 years, 60, 70 years, how do we contextualize deliverance? How do we make it simple?” Saldivar says of his book. “I just want this in 50 years to be a training manual for people, and I want to see churches do what Jesus told us to do.”

It is key for all believers to understand how deliverance works because it isn’t something only a select few are called to do. Instead, it’s something all Christians are meant to practice.

“Where’s the compassion? People need help. Where’s the empathy for the brokenness?” Saldivar asks.

“I’m not okay with the church in bondage. I’m not okay with thousands of people bound, mental disorders, mental illnesses,” he continues.

Christians are called to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world. If Jesus truly is Lord, then we must obey His commands. It’s time for the church to start being the church and declare the goodness of God and see His people set free from the snares of the enemy.

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Abby Trivett is content development editor for Charisma Media.


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