Jeremiah Johnson: Post-Election Prophetic Warning


Following the re-election of the Donald Trump, Jeremiah Johnson has come out with a post-election prophecy.

Johnson, who decided not to give a specific prophecy about whether or not Trump would win in 2024, is now giving a post-election prophecy regarding what we can expect in the days to come.

In a conversation with Benjamin Deitrick, Johnson says the thing we have to consider the most is what kind of policies will be implemented by those we elect to office.

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“We’re trying to align ourselves, exercising the privilege and the right to vote,” says Johnson. “It feels like in the 2024 election things were pretty clear.”

Dietrick also reminds viewers that we must gauge all prophecies, including prophesies about Trump through a biblical lens.

“What I would say is the chief danger that I see prophetically as a watchman is that we are lulled into a false sense of safety, we are lulled into a false sense of security,” says Dietrick. ” I actually believe that one of the main things that God might be saying as far as Donald Trump being elected is that God might be saying to the church, ‘I’m giving you time to repent. I’m giving you time to repent of your abominations. I’m giving you time to repent of your sexual immorality. I’m giving you time to repent of your clergy abuse.'”

Johnson says that as someone who voted for and prophesied about Trump, one of the things he is most concerned about now is how people respond to the next four years that we have been given.

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“I believe the Lord said to me that you’re selecting a wartime president,” says Johnson. “Chuck Pierce has recently said this is an era of war.”

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Johnson believes one of the things the Lord revealed to him after 2020 was that He wanted to deal with the idolatry revolving around both Donald Trump and prophets.

“Prophecy has never been about promoting; it’s about humility. It’s about building the Lord an altar…if it’s a real prophet, there’s correction, direction and prediction,” says Johnson.

In this post-election season, Johnson is hearing the Lord tell us to “go low” and to “build the altar of the Lord.”

“I’m hearing, ‘Don’t put your trust in a political candidate, even if it’s Donald Trump.’ Let’s keep our eyes on Jesus,” Johnson says.

During this time, we must not only thank the Lord for placing Donald Trump back in the White House, but we must seek God to know what it is that He wants us to change, how He desires us to live, and how we can best glorify the Lord’s holy name.

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Abby Trivett is content development editor for Charisma Media.


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