Jonathan Cahn Reveals the Sign of the Antichrist


In a brand-new prophetic message, Jonathan Cahn exposed the sign of the coming Antichrist agenda.

“It happened at a campaign rally for Kamala Harris,” Cahn says. “The context leading up to that moment was just as important. It was that of killing babies, killing unborn children.”

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Cahn points out that Harris’ liberal stance of abortion as a fundamental right is not actual a right at all because it is the murder of an innocent, unborn child. It was during this call for more abortion freedom in the United States that Harris said the most despicable of all things.

“A couple of Christian students in the crowd, and it was apparently hard for them to keep hearing about the killing of unborn children, shouted out the words, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and ‘Christ is King,'” Cahn says.

To order Jonathan Cahn’s #1 best-selling book, “The Dragon’s Prophecy,” visit

It was then that Harris said, “Oh, you guys are at the wrong rally.”

“They didn’t shout out against her abortion stance or say anything overtly pro-life,” says Cahn. “So what does it mean? What is she saying? She’s saying ‘Jesus is Lord’ does not belong here, does not belong at her rallies…Jesus and the Spirit of God has no place in the agenda and her party’s agenda.”

It is only by the Holy Spirit that anyone can truly say that Jesus is Lord.

“What is it of to come against Jesus as Lord and to say it has no place here? What does it mean? To mock it. And that’s exactly what she did,” Cahn says. “She is mocking them simply for saying Jesus is Lord and Christ is King. What she did in an earlier time in America, in the West would be considered heresy, would be considered blasphemy.”

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As the crowd laughed and cheered with Harris, Cahn points out that this form of mockery and apostasy fits into the great falling away that we can expect to happen during the end times.

“The Bible says that in the last days there will be a great falling away, a great apostasy from the faith, and that will lead to an antichrist civilization,” says Cahn.

“You see, America started out with the Lordship of Jesus, but then it started taking that out,” says Cahn. “Ultimately, it’s a battle for life, it’s a battle for morality, for marriage, for gender, for family, for the order of creation for our children, for the future, for free speech, for the gospel…it’s a battle over the Lordship of Jesus.”


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Abby Trivett is content development editor for Charisma Media.


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