Kim Clement’s Two-Term Trump Prophecies Fulfilled


Kim Clement’s accurate prophecies regarding Donald Trump as a two-term president have been fulfilled following the Nov. 5, 2024 election results.

Back in 2007, Clement prophesied about the rise of Donald Trump to the presidency, and even more, that he would be a two-term president. Now that Trump has won the 2024 election, this prophecy has been fulfilled.

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“There will be a praying president, not a religious one. For I will fool the people, says the Lord. I will fool the people, yes I will,” Clement prophesied. “God says, the one that is chosen shall go in and they shall say, ‘He has hot blood.’ For the Spirit of God says, ‘Yes, he may have hot blood, but he will bring the walls of protection on this country in a greater way, and the economy of this country shall change rapidly,’ says the Lord of hosts.”

This description not only fits Trump perfectly, but it was prophesied that he would be a two-term president.

“God says, ‘I will put at your helm for two terms a president that will pray, but he will not be a praying president when he starts. I will put him in office and then I will baptize him with the Holy Spirit and My power,” Clement prophesied.

Clement specifically prophesied that Trump would become a “trumpet.” Years later in 2013, Clement also spoke on the rise of another Ronald Regan who would come after Barack Obama for the protection of the nation and the world.

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“It was a Ronald Regan that stood up and took away the tumor,” said Clement. “Now, we see that this is trying to grow again and trying to come back…it tells me there will be another kind of Ronald Regan that has to be emerged.”

To order Troy Anderson’s new book, “The Trump Code,” visit

Within this year alone we’ve seen Trump go from being tried in court, to surviving two assassination attempts, and finally, becoming the presidential winner of the 2024 election. Through all these trials and finally victory, the prayers around Trump have greatly increased, and he continues to speak more openly about God. Continue to pray for him, his family, his relationship with the Lord and for his future in the White House.

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Abby Trivett is content development editor for Charisma Media.


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