Morning Rundown: Katie Souza Warns: Serpents, Werewolves and the Occult


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Katie Souza Warns: Serpents, Werewolves and the Occult

“For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds,” (2 Cor. 10:4).

When it comes to spiritual warfare, Katie Souza has seen just about everything and more than most people could imagine, yet through it all, Christ has protected her, covered her and stood victorious.

In her latest book, “The Serpent and the Soul,” Katie Souza unlocks the very real ways that serpent spirits try to come in and destroy God’s people.

To order Katie Souza’s new book, “The Serpent and the Soul,” visit

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God Sends Confusion on the Wicked: Progressive Group Accidentally Discards Dem Votes

Call it a fitting “accident” straight out of the pages of Deuteronomy.

According to CNN, a progressive activist group may have inadvertently encouraged Pennsylvanians not to vote by sending them a text message telling them they had.

The initial text message said “Records show you voted.” The problem? Many of the people who received the texts apparently hadn’t.

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7 Shocking Tactics Biden-Harris Use to Deceive You

As the 2024 election approaches, the influence of media narratives and political leaders is once again in the spotlight. Despite Big Tech manipulation, evidence shows that President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, along with various media outlets, are employing deceptive, fraudulent strategies to sway the opinions of American voters. From selective coverage to divisive rhetoric, these tactics may be shaping public perception in ways that often go unnoticed.

Here, we explore seven strategies used to influence voter opinion, each revealing a complex web of political and media manipulation.

#1. The Biden White House edits an official transcript. In response to comedian Tony Hinchcliffe’s joke about Puerto Rico, President Joe Biden called Trump supporters, on video, garbage. The backlash from the sitting president labeling nearly half of the country as “garbage” was swift, and left the administration scrambling for a way to get out of the proverbial hot water. So, without the approval of the stenographer, they altered the transcript in potential violation of the Presidential Records Act of 1978 for releasing a false transcript.

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