Morning Rundown: Prophecy Foretold Attempted Trump Assassination Months in Advance


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Prophecy Foretold Trump Assassination Months in Advance

On March 14, 2024, a podcast interview was posted on Steve Cioccolanti & Discover Ministries YouTube page.

Within this interview, guests Brandon Biggs and Amanda Grace share certain prophetic words the Lord gave them, and the events of Saturday, July 13, appear to have fulfilled the prophecy Biggs gave in startlingly accurate fashion.

After describing a new wave of patriotism rising out of the heartland of America, Biggs shares what the Lord showed him regarding former President Donald Trump.

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3 Prophecies Fulfilled With the Trump Assassination Attempt

God sometimes gives a forewarning before danger strikes.

When it comes to the attempted assassination yesterday of former president Donald Trump, at least three different prophetic voices have had words about something massive that was coming to America.

In a what would turn out to be a prophetic livestream, yesterday morning Joseph Z had a word about “the shot heard around the world.”

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Pastor Ousted From Chuck Swindoll’s Megachurch for ‘Moral Failure’

An associate pastor from Stonebriar Community Church in Frisco, TX has been ousted after he admitting to church leadership about sin in his life.

WFAAA-TV in the Dallas area reported that Tony Cammarota was fired from his position due to a “moral failure.” Cammarota worked at the church for more than 17 years as a pastor.

In an email announcing Cammarota’s exit, the church said that the former staff member, “confessed to church leadership of a moral failure.

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