OK Superintendent: Satanists Not Welcome in Schools, ‘They Are Welcome to go to Hell’


Oklahoma may soon adopt a bill similar to the one that Florida recently signed into law that would allow volunteer chaplains onto school grounds.

Naturally, after having been designated a religion in 2019 by the Internal Revenue Service, The Satanic Temple has announced that wherever a state adopts this type of a program, they will be there waiting.

They’ve got a fight on their hands in Oklahoma, however, as the state’s superintendent Ryan Walters has made his stance, and policy, clear: satanists are not welcome in their schools.

“In Oklahoma, we have conservative values. President Joe Biden and the National Education Association want Christianity out of the classroom and are advocating for our kids to have zero morality and faith,” Walters said in a statement to Fox News Digital.

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“Let me be crystal clear: Satanists are not welcome in Oklahoma schools, but they are welcome to go to hell,” he added.

Eternal destination aside, Walters will have an uphill court battle that is sure to come from any refusal to allow TST representatives into the chaplain programs, all thanks to their religious designation.

Walters and the state of Oklahoma are not alone in their endeavor to protect children from the deceptive teachings of TST, who say they don’t believe in Satan as a deity, but are a religion (make it make sense).

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has previously said publicly that TST and other satanic groups are not welcome in Florida schools, either.

“Some have said that if you do a school chaplain program, that, somehow, you’re going to have satanists running around in all our schools. We’re not playing those games in Florida,” DeSantis says. “That is not a religion. That is not qualified to be able to participate in this. So, we’re going to be using common sense when it comes to this. You don’t have to worry about it.”

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Regardless of the outcome of any future lawsuits, it has become vividly clear that the Satan described in the Bible, who is very real, is moving at a frantic pace to influence the children of America.

This was never even a thought in the mind of a parent for the vast majority of America’s history, but as the country has abandoned the ways of God on which she was founded and adopted the ways of the world, the doors to spiritual oppression and influence have been swung wide open.

For as far as this nation has slid into sin, it is going to take men and women of courage to stand up against the wave of satanism targeting today’s youth, and to be victorious, they are going to need the power of the Holy Spirit. For our battles are not against other people, but against principalities, powers, rulers of darkness and spiritual forces of evil (Eph. 6:12).

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James Lasher is Staff Writer for Charisma Media.


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