Players Shine for Jesus in Football and Life, Spreading Hope to Fans


Something amazing is happening among sports teams across the country. Athletes and coaches are boldly declaring their faith in Jesus Christ and giving glory to God in locker rooms, press conferences and on the field.

What is taking place is being seen over and over again.

Most recently, it has been happening among college and professional football teams.

This football season has been marked by widespread, ongoing declarations of faith that seemed to kick off last August when the Ohio State University football team preached the gospel to 800-1,000 people on campus. In the end, about 60 students chose to get baptized into the Christian faith.

Athletes are not only speaking out about their faith, but they are gathering together to pray and worship the Lord.

Yet, over the past week, there has been a flood of bold displays of faith.

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After guiding the Baltimore Ravens to win the AFC North to close the regular season by beating the Cleveland Browns 35-10 on Saturday, Ravens head coach John Harbaugh led his team in The Lord’s Prayer.

“I think back to KC (Kansas City). We said before that game that we are going to dedicate the season to each other and to God. We said to God be the glory,” he told the team before leading the prayer.

“It’s a bunch of guys who love ball and love one another and are willing to do it for something greater than themselves,” he said.

Harbaugh has been outspoken about his Christian faith. Last year, after leading the Ravens to their first AFC Championship win in 11 years, he opened the postgame press conference by reading 1 Chronicles 29:11 from the Old Testament.

“I just want to start off with this. It was something that was said to me before the game and is just meaningful to me, so I’m going to share it with you,” Harbaugh told the assembled reporters. “Because I think it’s the right thing to do.

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“It’s a verse. ‘Greatness, power, glory, victory, and honor belong to You. Because everything in heaven and Earth belongs to You. The kingdom belongs to you, Lord. You are the head and the ruler over everything,'” he read.

“There’s an amazing spirit on this team and I just want to kind of give honor and glory where it’s due,” Harbaugh said.

The 62-year-old is not the only coach pointing fans to Jesus.

Liberty University head coach Jamey Chadwell was spotted wearing a “Jesus Won” t-shirt in the Bahamas Bowl Saturday in a game against the Buffalo Bulls.

To read the full story, visit our content partners at CBN News.

Reprinted with permission from Copyright © 2025 The Christian Broadcasting Network Inc. All rights reserved.

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