Preacher Confronted at Gunpoint for Speaking Biblical Truth


A shocking video out of San Francisco reminds us that standing for biblical truth is not without its risks. Pastor Kevin Kihara of Christ’s Forgiveness Ministries was preaching in Union Square when he found himself staring down the barrel of a gun. His offense? Declaring a simple truth: “God made men to be men.”

As he spoke to the crowd, Kihara urged someone off-camera to “be somebody God made you to be.” He boldly proclaimed, “He didn’t make a man to be a woman, He made the man to be a man… He didn’t make the woman to be a man, He made the woman to be a woman and this is the truth.”

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It was at this moment a person—dressed in a blond wig, overall dress and heeled boots—stepped into the frame, pulled out a firearm and aimed it inches from Kihara’s face. “I should,” the individual chillingly declared before stepping away.

Rather than reacting in fear or anger, Kihara responded in a way that should challenge all of us: “Hey, man, it’s up to you if you want to pull that on me. God bless you.” And even after staring death in the face, he added, “I still love you, though. Even you pulled a gun on me, I still love you, I still bless you.”

This moment captures something every Christian must understand—when we stand for the truth of God’s Word, there will be resistance. Jesus Himself warned us, “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first,” (John 15:18). The gospel is a message of love, but it is also a message of truth, and that truth often offends those who reject it.

This is not just about one preacher on a street corner—it is a glimpse into a larger battle. The world does not want to hear that God’s design is unchangeable. It does not want to be reminded that truth is not fluid, but fixed. And when confronted with that reality, some will respond with anger—even violence.

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Yet, as Christians, we are not called to silence or fear. We are called to persevere. Paul reminds us in 2 Timothy 3:12, “Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.” But persecution is not the end of the story—it is a sign that we are on the right path.

Kihara’s unwavering love in the face of hostility is a powerful example of the courage and grace we must show when the world pushes back against the gospel.

The truth will always have opposition. But we must remember that our call is to stand firm, to speak boldly and to love even when we are hated. Because in the end, the truth of God’s Word will remain, no matter how much resistance it faces.

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James Lasher is staff writer for Charisma Media.


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