Prophetic Word: What Happens After the Election


People across America and the world are expectantly awaiting the results of tomorrow’s election to see if Donald Trump or Kamala Harris will be the next president of the United States. The real question though, is what happens after the results come in?

Prophetic voice Joseph Z is sharing what the Lord has laid on his heart regarding the 2024 election, and how Christians can be pressing into the spirit through prayer.

Using his whiteboard to illustrate the promptings God gave him, the first thing Z demonstrates is the how powerful the time after the election results come in will be.

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“What happens after is going to be very, very potent,” says Z. “It’s what is happening after this scenario that’s going to be the most potent of everything.”

The word that God keeps giving Z about this period of time following the election is “manifestations.”

“There are manifestations that are taking place after the cycle that we pick our leaders,” he says. “And, in this manifestation I see this induced spirit that’s trying to come out and hit the culture.”

“I see this word ‘sabotage,’ and it’s a demon,” he says.

This demon of sabotage is something we as the body of Christ must come together and pray against. Z says he had a vision of a “last stand” that is necessary to come against this demon of sabotage.

“The Lord is saying if we rise in faith and we come through this, I believe that we’re going to begin to see a victory, and the last stand will be very powerful. And it will turn into another round. That’s what I’m believing God for; that we’re going to have another round.”

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One of the things Z has also been praying about is the potentially that even if Donald Trump wins the election, Harris could potentially take office for two months until January if Biden were to step down. Z says if this were to happen, endurance would be necessary for Trump and our nation. If this scenario happens, it may also bring about a rise of the underground church.

Overall, we must pray against a demonic spirit of sabotage that wants to come to steal, kill and destroy.

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“I see a tear in the fabric of reality where the good people of this nation, of this land…there would be a witness of people who would begin to experience this nefarious stuff coming from the other side of reality,” Z warns. “I saw these things trying to come through the veil, but then I also saw in the middle of a present, evil age Galatians 1:4…I began to see that there was faith rising, coming against these things.”

Galatians 1:4 tells us, “who gave Himself for our sins, that He might deliver us from this present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father.”

“I saw the Spirit of Lord going back at it with a rushing power, saying, ‘No, you will not come into the natural, you’re not going to be allowed,'” says Z.

This is a critical time for followers of Jesus to pray against the darkness, vote for righteousness and stand up for the gospel.

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Abby Trivett is content development editor for Charisma Media.


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