Update: Why the Red Heifer Ceremony Could Happen Soon


Pastor Greg Locke is on the ground in Israel at the Western Wall in Jerusalem, reporting firsthand to Charisma Media about the upcoming red heifer ceremony—a significant prophetic event believed to be a step toward the construction of the Third Temple.

Despite differing opinions on its significance, the ceremony is moving forward, carrying deep implications for biblical prophecy.

“With Trump being in office he’s accentuating what’s happening in a good way because prophetically, he’s coming in, taking over Gaza, the relocation of the Gazans, and now God’s calling more of the Jewish people back from around the world,” Locke says.

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The red heifer’s role is crucial in Jewish purification rituals, yet Locke clarifies that its sacrifice is not for sin atonement. The ultimate, perfect sacrifice for sins was already completed when Jesus hung on the cross, dying on behalf of all mankind. Rather, this purification ceremony serves to cleanse priests from the impurity of death, enabling them to carry out their sacred duties. Several red heifers remain viable for the upcoming ceremony, which is biblically significant to the rebuilding of the Third Temple and the Second Coming of Christ.

“It’s a really interesting time to live,” Locke says. “When Jesus says, ‘Lift up your eyes, your redemption draws nigh,’ I’m literally sitting at a place where it’s going to happen.

“I want to remind people you can be as critical of Israel as you want to, but where I’m sitting right behind that wall on that Temple Mount, that’s where Jesus is coming back. He’s not coming back to the White House; He’s coming back to Jerusalem.”

Locke also emphasizes the great support that President Trump has from the people of Israel due to his keen support and protection over the Israeli people from other Middle Eastern nations. While the people there know they are unlikely to change the hearts of other Arab nations, they are certain that Trump’s presidency can show the force they need to push back against groups like Hamas.

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“They like somebody that will say and then do. They’re not interested in somebody that just talks,” Locke says.

Reflecting on his time at the Western Wall, Locke describes the deep longing and desperation he has witnessed among those fervently praying. He draws a connection between their cries for the Messiah and the fulfillment of biblical prophecy in Christ, recognizing an open door for sharing the Gospel.

“When you come here, you really do see the desperation of people,” he says. “They are going to be a nation that’s born in a day.  I mean, Jesus is going to reveal Himself to His people and as Paul said, Israel will be saved.”

Right now, we should also take Locke’s biblical advice to bless the people of Israel, just as God showed him to bless them.

As biblical prophecies continue to unfold, we are on the cusp of a great spiritual awakening, one that will remind the world of God’s promises to Israel which are steadfast and unshakable.

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Abby Trivett is content development editor for Charisma Media.


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