A group of Central American migrants surrenders to U.S. Border Patrol Agent Jose Martinez south of the U.S.-Mexico border fence in El Paso, Texas.

80 Percent of Pastors Believe This About Illegal Immigration


Debates about borders and immigration continue to be top of mind for lawmakers, among families and even in churches.

The American Pastors Network (APN) is highlighting a new survey from LifeWay Research that found that the majority of pastors want illegal immigration to end.

APN President Sam Rohrer says immigration is an issue that has been difficult for pastors and churches to grasp, as they may struggle with what the Bible says and what the culture demands.

“Immigration and border control issues dominate our news and divide our nation—and perhaps the people in the pews of America’s churches are split on this matter—but God is not divided nor is He confused on this or any issue, and we should not be either,” Rohrer says. “In fact, there are clear, biblical principles on why no one should be confused about God’s position on immigration and borders.”

According to the LifeWay survey, which surveyed 1,000 Protestant pastors, most say an immigration solution should be multifaceted.

  • 80 percent say the government has the responsibility to stop illegal immigration; 9 percent disagree and 11 percent are not sure.
  • 70 percent say they are in favor of an immigration reform that includes a path to citizenship for those who are currently in the country illegally; 17 percent disagree and 13 percent are not sure.
  • 76 percent say Christians have a responsibility to assist immigrants even if they are in the country illegally, while 14 percent disagree and 10 percent are not sure.
  • Almost 3 in 10 pastors say their churches are involved locally in assisting immigrants.

Rohrer has shared insight about the biblical guidance available on border security and immigration on the APN daily 60-second radio feature, “Stand in the Gap Minute,” heard on hundreds of stations nationwide. Rohrer and his radio co-hosts also frequently explore immigration and how it relates to both the Bible and the Constitution on the daily, live, one-hour radio program, “Stand in the Gap Today.” The national “Stand in the Gap” television program has also delved into this important matter.

“Without borders there’s no order, no law, no justice,” Rohrer said. “Without borders, God’s promise to bless the nation whose God is the Lord could never occur. God’s plan of redemption revolves around nations. Borders are essential to nations. In fact, the definition of nation includes a common language, a common view of God and common borders. God’s blessings and judgment are bestowed on individuals and nations. Therefore, borders and border control are essential to protect a nation’s citizens and should rise to the highest of concerns for those in civil authority.

“This is why God provided civil government with the sword of justice,” he added. “This is, in part, why we are to pray for those in authority—that we may lead quiet and peaceable lives and because they are accountable to God. God’s Word does hold all the answers about borders, immigration and much more; we just need to read God’s instruction for our lives and our nation, take them to heart and follow them.”


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