As Prophecy Unfolds, Film Shows Side of Israel Many Have Never Seen


Filmmaker David Kiern says God is on the move in Israel, and Bible prophecy is being fulfilled every day in the Holy Land. It’s something Christians should get very excited about, he says.

In his film I Am Israel, Kiern documents the throngs of Jews who, in recent years, have made aliyah, returning to Israel in fulfillment of Scripture: “The Lord will bring you to the land which your fathers possessed, and you shall possess it” (Deut. 30:5).

The film, Kiern says, also gives a portrayal of an Israel that many who have seen the film say they never knew existed. “Every picture I’d seen of Israel in the media looks very dusty, it looked very dirty, it looked like a place that I wouldn’t want to go visit.”

But, Kiern says, “We believe this is actually the true Israel. This is the Israel that you don’t see in the news, the Israel that the media will not present, which is this beautiful, thriving land of the Bible where prophetic things are happening there today.”

When he visited Israel, Kiern says, he realized miraculous things were happening. “During that trip, we really came away with the mission, with the goal of making a movie that would show people what God is doing, this miraculous thing, this very prophetic thing in Israel through the rebirth of the land and the regathering of the Jewish people.”

For more about I Am Israel and God’s amazing work in this ancient land, listen to the podcast below.

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