Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley cut the state's ties to Planned Parenthood.

Baby-Killing Goliath Takes 3 Smooth Stones to the Head


The Obama administration may be resistant to defunding Planned Parenthood at the federal level—and the Senate may have failed to get the job done—but individual states are rising up against these conscienceless baby killers.

Undercover journalists have released five bombshell gruesome videos that have outraged even liberal politicians, though Planned Parenthood’s clergy board insists the group is “doing God’s work.”

Louisiana was quick to defund the abortion mill. New Hampshire jumped on board and Alabama becomes the third state to end all funding for the abortion giant.

“Not one more penny should go to Planned Parenthood, a billion-dollar abortion dealer caught on camera negotiating the sale of hearts, lungs and livers from aborted babies,” says Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Casey Mattox. “(Alabama) Governor (Robert) Bentley should therefore be commended for ending the use of state taxpayer dollars for such barbarism. Our tax dollars instead should fund local public health clinics, which outnumber Planned Parenthood locations more than 10 to 1 and are not tainted by constant scandals and misdeeds. America doesn’t need Planned Parenthood.”    


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