Benny Hinn and Suzanne Hinn

Benny and Suzanne Hinn Discuss Reconciliation


Benny and Suzanne Hinn are reconciling—and they are sharing the miracle with television audiences everywhere.

Although still officially divorced, the Hinns appeared on Hinn’s broadcast, This is Your Day. Hinn introduced the broadcast with Suzanne by his side. (Click here to watch the video.)

“It’s amazing, Benny, what happens, when you allow the Lord and give Him permission and say, ‘Not my will but your will be done in any situation in my life,”’ Suzanne said.

The broadcast then transitioned to a meeting at the World Media Center in Aliso Viejo, Calif., where the Hinns stood together behind a podium, praying and thanking the Lord for His mercy and His love.

“I thank you for this moment that we prayed for and believed for,” Hinn said as he took Suzanne’s hand. “And I pray that beginning tonight, a mighty move of God will begin in our lives and in the lives of millions around the world.”

Hinn admitted that while millions were healed through his ministry over the years, he family grew sick because he loved the ministry more than the family.

“I was really married to the ministry. And that’s just a fact. I taught often ‘God, ministry, family,’ and the children and Suzanne would say, ‘Dad, that hurts.’ But we all live and learn. So Suzanne, because my marriage died—and it died because it was sick—Suzanne, of course, filed for divorce … But God, no doubt, God used the divorce to wake me up and get my attention … My teaching was wrong on that, to say, ‘God, ministry, family.’”

Hinn asked the congregation and the body of Christ to forgive him. The Hinns are going to submit to apostolic counseling to avoid a repeat of the pain they went through.

“Suzanne will be my partner in ministry,” Hinn says. “Because there’s really no other way around it, frankly … That’s just the way God wants it. She has a great anointing. She has a great ministry of prayer.”


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