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Charisma News Brief: Students’ Anti-Israel Riots Left Jewish Teacher Under Siege


The indoctrination of American schools and universities has never been more apparent than it is today.

One of the core pieces of evidence of this is the bombardment of anti-Israel rioting against a Jewish teacher by hundreds of high schoolers in Queens, New York at Hillcrest High School, according to Fox News.

After seeing a post on Facebook that the teacher supported Israel, students brought in Palestinian flags and paraded them down the hallways while cheering in support of Palestine. During this time, students jeered that the teacher should leave and attempted to get into the teacher’s classroom. Other faculty members guarded the room to keep her safe.

This incident led to New York City councilwoman Vickie Paladino to take to X and share that this should be viewed as nothing less than an act of terrorism.

“The scene at Hillcrest HS was beyond unacceptable—it was terrorism, plain and simple. Terrorism is violence against civilians to achieve a political goal. And that’s what we saw in one of our public schools, against a teacher whose only offense was being Jewish and peacefully expressing her support for Israel on her own time,” Paladino wrote.

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Paladin also explained the kinds of repercussions that may be considered for the vile actions that occurred.

“I’m calling for serious consideration of the following:

  • The immediate suspension of all faculty at Hillcrest High School, pending a thorough investigation into the culture and curriculum they’re cultivating.
  • Firing of any faculty found to have contributed in any way to this riot, either materially or otherwise.
  • The immediate suspension of every student at Hillcrest High School who participated in the riot.”

Paladino also said repercussions that should be considered included expulsion for the organizers, audits of Department of Education personnel and of curriculum plans as well.

From seeing the actual attacks of Israel by Hamas that left many for dead, wounded and their lives completely desolated, all the way to cancelation against music by an Israeli singer, there’s no question that Israel has largely been left behind by the world as many march for Palestine. However, we must remember that Genesis 12:3 is God’s promise to Abraham which says, “I will bless them who bless you and curse him who curses you…” This covenant with Abraham still exists today because God has not changed and neither has His Word. {eoa}

Abby Trivett is a marketing copywriter and coordinator for Charisma Media.


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