CN Morning Rundown: Senator Says Trump Impeachment Trial Will be Dead on Arrival


Here’s a quick summary of the top stories on

Sen. Rand Paul Calls Trump Impeachment ‘Dead on Arrival’ as 45 Republican Senators Vote to Reject Trial

Forty-five Republican senators voted against a potential second impeachment trial for former President Donald J. Trump Tuesday. Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., had called for a procedural vote regarding the constitutionality of the effort filed by the House since Trump is now out of office.

“If you voted that it was unconstitutional, how in the world would you ever vote to convict somebody for this?” Paul told reporters, according to Politico. “This vote indicates it’s over. The trial is all over.”

House Democrats accused Trump of “incitement of insurrection” in the Jan. 6 Capitol Hill riot, voting in favor of the impeachment without holding hearings and sending the vote to the Senate, where a trial could disqualify him from office.

Charismatic Apostle Prays, ‘Deliver Us as Black People From Reflexive Racial Responses’

I have a new prayer for a future age, based on a past age.

When I was a child, Jim Crow laws were still kicking. It was the tail end of some of our nation’s harshest racism when skin color dictated treatment and regulated fairness. The population seethed with rage at unrequited justice.

The history and horror of mistreatment, coupled with the inability to escape overarching bigotry, stamped your core foundation as a child. Out of self-preservation, you had to build defenses that safeguarded, but never insulated, your psyche. Panic would grip you when you left the security and familiarity of a Black neighborhood to venture into the white world.

Can Democracy Have Unity Without Christianity?

The solution to the challenges that stand before us as a nation are “Democracy and Unity.”

President Joe Biden said, “Democracy has prevailed: Unity is the path forward” in his inaugural address.

I am amazed that many of my dear friends are shocked that the election did not turn out as expected. It wouldn’t be the first time, and it probably won’t be the last. I am equally shocked and disappointed by responses that I have seen and read in videos and text from my fellow Christians. {eoa}


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