Day of Purity Gains International Attention With YouTube Video

day of purity

Purity is going viral. A short video promoting sexual purity hit nearly a quarter of a million views on Thursday.

People from more than 175 different countries and regions have watched the student-produced video that aims to spark interest and start conversations promoting sexual purity. The number of views reached over 240,000 in just the past 10 days.

This video is part of the Day of Purity’s grass-roots effort to encourage youth to wait for marriage. The Day of Purity works to equip teens, youth, parents, friends, and individuals with the facts to encourage sexual purity until, and loyalty within, marriage.

“I’m thrilled that the message of waiting for marriage is reaching so many people,” says Amber Haskew, international director for the Day of Purity. “We are excited to spark a conversation about the physical, emotional, physiological and even financial benefits of waiting for marriage. I encourage each family and individual to make your own declaration of purity. Take a stand this year and encourage those around you to make healthy decisions.”

According to the Center for Data Analysis Report on Sex Education and Abstinence, sexually active teen boys are four times more likely to suffer with severe depression and girls are more than three times more likely to be depressed most or all of the time. More than two-thirds of teens that had sexual relations before marriage regretted doing so, according to the Family Research Council.

The consequences of sex before marriage can be as far reaching as they are devastating, and making teens aware of those potential pitfalls should be of paramount importance. Consider the statistics: The cost of treating STDs in one year alone is $16.5 billion dollars. According to Hamilton County, Tennessee Health Department, teen pregnancy in Chattanooga has decreased by 72 percent, which was attributed in part to an abstinence program.

Click below to watch the video from Day of Purity.

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