
Demonic Goddess Statue Set to Establish Spiritual Strongholds in Texas


In a move that has left many in the state of Texas shocked, the golden abortion-goddess statue titled, “Witness,” is scheduled to be on display at the University of Houston on Feb. 28 through Oct. 31, 2024.

The 18-foot-statue hails from New York City, designed by Shahzia Sikander, and now endangers Texas with the establishment of a spiritual stronghold.

Designing the pagan statue as an ode to the late-Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Sikander wrote in her artists statement that the work was to continue the fight in ensuring abortion does not leave America.

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“The luminous figure is a nod to Ruth Bader Ginsburg, as seen in the detail adorning her collar. With Ginsburg’s death and the reversal of Roe, there was a setback to women’s constitutional progress,” Sikander’s statement reads.

“The figure’s hair is braided into spiraling ‘horns,’ which mimic the movement of the arms and express the figure’s sovereignty and autonomy,” she added.

As news of the statue’s move to Texas began spreading, many such as the pro-life group TFP Student Action have called for a peaceful protest against it.

“Action alert: Texas values are not New York City’s woke “values.” Tell the University of Houston NOT to Display Satanic-Looking Abortion Statue on Campus” TFP wrote in a post on X.

While the fight for the unborn continues, what many are overlooking is the establishment of spiritual strongholds that will follow in the footsteps of the golden idol in Texas.

For too long, many in America have brushed aside the dangers of the spiritual-side of life. Even though it is written clearly for people by the apostle Paul in Ephesians 6:12 which says: “For our fight is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, and against spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.”

This idol gives spiritual entities, demons and principalities an open invitation to operate wherever it is set up. Because they are being invited there by humanity.

Spiritual warfare is not some hokey nonsense that is a recently made up experience, the Bible written under the guidance of the Holy Spirit warns believers about it, and extols them to take part in it!

Jesus cast out demons, the apostles teach future disciples about the importance of spiritual warfare and it is such an important topic that the Bible is full of verses about it.

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Yet fewer and fewer Christians in America are engaging in it. It is being relegated to the sidelines as nonsensical practice of the deranged, meanwhile American society continues to delve deeper into satanism.

The University of Houston will soon open the spiritual doors to allow the demonic forces behind the “Witness” idol to take residence on their campus, and it will assuredly affect the area around it.

Satan would like nothing more than for Christians to keep on with what they’re doing in America: bickering between denominations, accepting societies morality instead of God’s righteousness and abandoning practices such as fasting and warring in the spiritual realm.

Events such as erecting false, golden idols (in the same literal manner which Aaron allowed the Israelites to do with the golden calf) are becoming common occurrences in the once-Christian nation. The Iowa Capitol building recently had a demonic altar set-up as well as another similarly demonic statue set-up in Michigan.

While both statues have been taken down since their inceptions, the devil and his minions know that if they can keep getting away with establishing these strongholds over parts of the country, they will eventually conquer the entire thing.

Again, Paul exhorts Christians in 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 to take part in this spiritual warfare: “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds, casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.”

For Christians who do not take part in prayers against the enemy and his plans for America (and the world), this is an act of direct disobedience to what the Word of God commands Christians to do.

When we fail to engage the enemy on the spiritual battlefield, he wins without having to fire a metaphorical shot. And he would love to continue winning battles that way, because he has a lot in store for America.{eoa}

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James Lasher is Staff Writer for Charisma Media.


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