Ex-Muslim Nabeel Qureshi Enters Presence of Jesus


Apologist and author Nabeel Qureshi died Saturday, Sept. 16, 2017, after a yearlong battle with cancer. He was 34.

Born in California to Pakistani immigrants and raised a devout Muslim, he grew up studying Islamic apologetics. After he engaged a Christian in a faith discussion, the two became friends and examined the historical claims of Christianity and Islam. Qureshi shared his journey to faith in his first book, Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus, a New York Times best-seller. It became the only book ever to win Christian Book Awards for both Best New Author and Best Nonfiction.

On the day his third book, No God But One, released, Aug. 30, 2016, he announced his diagnosis of advanced stomach cancer. He also said he was concluding his traveling ministry and affiliation with Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM).

Zacharias saw Qureshi in May and wrote the following to him:

You will be freed to the joy of life where there are no more fears, no more tears, no more hate, no more bloodshed, because you will be with the One who has already shed his blood for you, where love is supreme, grace abounds and the consummate joy is of the soul. The smile of God awaits you: “Well done.”

“Eye has not seen, ear has not heard, neither has entered into the heart of man, the things that God has prepared for them that love him,” 1 Corinthians 2:9 promises.

Your eyes will now see and your hands will now touch that which is the only Real estate.”

Ed Stetzer tweeted that he was “Heartbroken to learn that Nabeel Qureshi @NAQureshi has died. Thankful for his gospel work, but glad he is now in the presence of Jesus.”

Dr. Michael Brown tweeted: “As sad as it is that Nabeel @NAQureshi has left this world, esp. for his family, he is with his Lord now, seeing Him face to face. Glorious!”

David Wood, the man who led Qureshi to faith in Christ, also rejoiced that his friend is with the Lord:


Qureshi has lectured to students at more than 100 universities, including Oxford, Columbia and Johns Hopkins. He participated in 18 moderated, public debates in North America, Europe and Asia. Christianity Today heralded Qureshi as one of “33 Under 33” in its cover story on emerging religion leaders in July 2014.

He studied at Oxford, pursuing his doctorate in New Testament studies. He held degrees in medicine (Eastern Virginia Medical School), Christian apologetics (Biola University) and religion (Duke University).

RZIM requests that believers pray for Qureshi’s wife, Michelle, and daughter, Ayah, as well as for his parents and extended family.

Qureshi posted a GoFundMe video here to raise money for his medical expenses and to help his family. He was seeking to raise $1 million for these expenses.


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