Former Administration Doctor: ‘The White House Is Covering Up Biden’s Cognitive Issues’


Former White House physician Dr. Ronny Jackson predicts that President Joe Biden will resign or be forced out of office due to his rapidly worsening cognitive abilities. Evidence is mounting that the 25th Amendment may need to be invoked to remove Biden from the White House.

In a series of tweets and media appearances over the last week, Jackson has asserted that the government and the mainstream media are “covering up” Biden’s severe “cognitive decline.” He says that Biden’s cognitive issues have become a national security threat against America.

“The White House is COVERING UP Biden’s cognitive issues. Who’s running the country? Because Biden IS NOT! I fully expect Biden WILL NOT finish his term. He needs to resign. We CAN NOT drag this on ANY longer!” Jackson tweeted over the weekend.

As a highly respected doctor who has worked for both Democrats and Republicans, Jackson served as the top medical professional overseeing the health care of President Obama and President Trump. He is now an elected representative from the state of Texas (R). He is also the author of a forthcoming book entitled Holding the Line: A Lifetime of Defending Democracy and American Values.

As part of a “tweet storm,” Jackson tweeted, “Biden isn’t running the country. He doesn’t have the capacity to. This is a THREAT to our national security. Our nation is in decline, and we have a “President” who lacks the ability to defend America on a national stage. This is TRAGIC!”

This isn’t the first time Jackson has voiced his opinion as a medical doctor. He went public in 2021 questioning Biden’s cognitive abilities and calling for an independent evaluation of the 46th president of the United States. In response, President Obama chided Jackson publicly. As an expert in evaluating cognitive abilities, Jackson claims that the Democrats tried to shut him up and get him to stop pointing out Biden’s gaffes.

Defiant in the face of political pressure, Jackson tweeted last Friday, “Barack Obama wrote me a scathing email because I said something that was a THREAT to his party’s control. Democrats KNEW Biden’s cognitive decline was too severe, and the party did EVERYTHING they could to SHUT ME UP.”

In a follow-up tweet, Jackson challenged Obama publicly, describing Biden’s cognitive ability as “too far gone.”

“Will President Obama come out and say he thinks Joe Biden is cognitively fit to be President? Why won’t ANY leaders of the Democratic Party say this? Democrats KNOW Biden’s cognitive abilities are too far gone. That’s why they’re being SILENT!” Jackson wrote on Twitter.

Jackson is calling on Biden to resign as president, but it is becoming increasingly likely that the 25th Amendment will have to be invoked. The doctor blames the nation’s expanding set of problems on Biden’s mental issues.

“Biden must’ve forgotten he’s AMERICA’S President. He sells our oil to CHINA, blames gas prices on PUTIN, and he’s made the TALIBAN the richest arms dealer in the world. Americans are POORER because of his policies. The country is a MESS because of his cognitive decline!” Jackson tweeted on July 14.

Charisma News will be reporting on this developing story and sharing information about the 25th Amendment in upcoming articles exclusively on {eoa}

Anthony Hart is a freelance writer for Charisma News.


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