Franklin Graham weighs in on the Ashley Madison hack.

Franklin Graham Has One Word for Worried Cheating Spouses


You may have seen it in the headlines: Ashley Madison—a site that bills itself as “an online personals and dating destination for casual encounters, married dating, discreet encounters and extramarital affairs”—was hacked.

Hackers threatened to release the private information of its 37 million unsatisfied customers. That means millions of people around the world could soon find out their spouse has been cheating on them. Divorce lawyers everywhere are rejoicing.

“We apologize for this unprovoked and criminal intrusion into our customers’ information,” the company said in a statement. “We have always had the confidentiality of our customers’ information foremost in our minds, and have had stringent security measures in place, including working with leading IT vendors from around the world.”

So much for privacy. Then again, evangelist Franklin Graham points to the Numbers 32:23: “Be sure your sin will find you out.”

“I have news for all those worried cheaters out there wringing their hands—God already knew! His holy Word says, ‘Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account’ (Heb. 4:13),” Graham says. “Times may have changed, but God’s laws and standards never change—all sin has a price. The New York Daily News calls this an ‘‪#‎adultery website.’ Isn’t it a shame that immorality is such big business?”


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