Guess Who’s Leaving These Faithful Service Members Behind on Foreign Soil?


Scores of our faithful service members are stranded in foreign countries. Joe Biden’s Department of Defense is preventing them from returning home unless they abandon their religious convictions and take the COVID shots. Without judicial relief, there is no end in sight.

Biden is breaking up families and inflicting punishment on these brave service members if they do not comply with his abusive shot mandate. I will put a face on some of these shocking stories. All military members’ names have been changed to protect their privacy. —Mat Staver

Joe Biden left Americans stranded in Afghanistan when he hastily abandoned them. He did the same thing when Americans sought to flee Ukraine. For some time, the State Department required Americans fleeing Ukraine and entering Poland to be vaccinated, even though Poland did not require the COVID shots for entry.

Now, Biden is leaving military personnel stranded in foreign countries with no visas, no support, no money and no jobs unless they take the jab.

Biden, the DOD and Department of Homeland Security are using sick and twisted punishments to force religious service members to sin against God. They are being stranded in foreign countries without any support from the U.S. government and with few prospects of returning home.

Bethany is stationed in Belgium. She finished her four years of service in the military but extended her contract so she could serve on an important European mission. But because Bethany is a committed Christian who refuses to take drugs derived from abortion, Biden’s DOD is cutting her off.

Bethany has been informed she will lose all benefits earned during her completed four-year contract and will not receive an honorable discharge. What’s more, once she’s been kicked out of Biden’s military, Bethany will have to find her own way home from Belgium.

Dianne has been in the Marine Corps for over 18 years, earning the rank of master sergeant. Dianne is a Christian stationed (stranded) in Japan, far away from her husband and four children.

But because Dianne will not compromise her conscience by taking an abortion-tainted drug, Biden intends to leave her stranded on a faraway Asian island with no help getting home to her family.

But Bethany and Dianne are not the only ones.

Marcus has served eight years in the Navy, earning many honors. But now he will be stranded in South Korea because he refuses to disobey God’s authority in his life. He will not take the abortion-linked COVID shots.

Yvonne is stationed in Korea with the Army. She was supposed to head home to the U.S. on May 9, but because she refuses to take Biden’s jab, she has been informed that she will not be allowed to leave Korea.

“Please help me get out of Korea,” she pleaded with us.

Ron is stationed in Canada. He has not been allowed to leave his room in the barracks for months as punishment for his refusal to defile his body with an abortion-derived “vaccine.” The military won’t kick him out or let him go home, but they won’t let him move forward either. Like our other dedicated Christian soldiers overseas, Ron is simply “stuck.”

We receive many requests for help from nearly everywhere on earth where the U.S. military has deployed personnel.

In our next hearing on April 11, I intend to update federal Judge Steven Merryday on Biden’s abusive actions.

Plane tickets to the U.S. can be costly, and shipping rates to transport an entire household are often beyond the average military member’s means. This is especially true when they face financial punishment.

When these members serving overseas are kicked out of the military, they become illegal aliens, with no income and no U.S. government support. They are abandoned because they refuse to honor Biden over God.

Every member of the military has the right to refuse the COVID jabs.

And you can be sure that what Joe Biden is doing to the military now will be done to all Americans later if we don’t stop him.

Last week, we won another injunction for one of our military plaintiffs. On April 11, I will present argument in our class certification case. In another case, a preliminary injunction was issued protecting 18 Air Force officers. We are knocking down this giant, but we need to extend protection to every service member who requested religious accommodation.

We continue to fight for religious freedom in numerous other cases, including for health care workers in New York, Maine and Illinois.

Oral arguments occur this month in our defense of Sandra Merritt, the whistleblower who exposed Planned Parenthood’s horrific baby parts for sale scheme. And this morning I presented argument for Calvary Chapel of Bangor against Maine Gov. Janet Mills’ illegal church shutdown orders.

The assaults on freedom never stop—but neither does Liberty Counsel. We will fight until every barrier to freedom is destroyed. {eoa}

This article originally appeared at

Mat Staver serves as senior pastor, founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel; chairman of Liberty Counsel Action, Faith and Liberty, National Pro-life Center, Freedom Federation, Salt & Light Council and National House of Hope; founder and chairman of Liberty Relief International; vice president and chief counsel of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference (which includes over 42,000 Evangelical Hispanic churches); former vice president of Liberty University; former dean and tenured professor of law at Liberty University School of Law; trustee of Timothy Plan, a New York and Tel-Aviv Stock Exchange-traded family of mutual funds; trustee of the Supreme Court Historical Society; member of the Board of Reference of the Christian Film and Television Commission; member of the Board of Advisors of Care for Pastors; founder and former president of Staver & Associates; and founder and former president of The Staver Group.

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