A Tennessee gun store owner is offering Christians a 5 percent discount.

Gun Store Sells Discounted Firearms to Christians


If gunmen target Christians, believers should have easier access to firearms, or so believes a Tennessee gun store owner.  

Frontier Firearms’ Brant Williams prices his handguns with religion in mind, removing 5 percent if the buyer professes Christianity.  

“If Christians are going to be targeted, we need to protect ourselves,” Williams says. “The best way to protect yourself is with the best weapon available, and that happens to be a handgun.”

The sale is a direct response to Chris Harper-Mercer’s attack on Christians at the Umpqua Community College earlier this month.  

The tragedy sparked outrage among the Christian community, many of whom claim the mainstream media is intentionally ignoring the religious persecution by refusing to call the shooting a hate crime.  

Despite opposition, Williams stands firm in his retail strategy.  

“I’d like to let Christians know there are businesses out there, even though the law likes to silence us and those (who) oppose us like to silence us, but we won’t be silenced,” Williams says.


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