Dr. Michael Brown

How to Respond to Gays Who Say They Experience God’s Power


Christians today are caught in a deep moral dilemma. They want to act with love and compassion toward their lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender friends and family, but at the same time, they see how gay activism is changing America, and they don’t know how to respond rightly.

In his new book, Michael L. Brown responds to the paramount question defining our generation: Can you be gay and Christian?

How do we respond to gay people who tell us how much they love the Lord and experience God’s power? How do we answer them when they say that the greatest law is the law of love—and that love requires us to embrace them as they are?

Based on decades of serious academic scholarship, this book intends to answer the question of whether you can truly follow Jesus and practice homosexuality at the same time. Can You Be Gay and Christian? is for all readers who are simply interested in what the Scriptures teach about this very important subject or in how we are to respond to the issue of homosexuality—for ourselves or for those to whom we minister.

“I do not claim to be able to relate in full to the challenges faced by those who identify as gay or lesbian (or, for that matter, bisexual or transgender),” Brown says. “But I can honestly say that I have taken these issues to the Lord in tears, that I have listened carefully to the stories of LGBT people (both those who identify as Christian and those who do not), that I have reviewed the relevant scriptural arguments in depth, and that every word of this book was written with a heart for God and a heart for people.”

Brown compassionately discusses topics such as the Bible’s commandment to love one another, Jesus’ view on homosexuality and how to balance grace and truth. Readers will come away with solid biblical answers and practical guidelines for ministry.

“You are not defined by your attractions, and you are not a slave to your desires,” Brown writes. “You can even live without sex or be single, but you cannot live without Him. And so, rather than focusing on whether you are gay or bi or trans (or something else), why not focus on finding that one glorious, beautiful pearl of great price, that incredible, mind-boggling hidden treasure in the field: Jesus, the Lord and Savior.”


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