‘Jesus Is a Good Cure for Fear,’ Obama Tells National Prayer Breakfast

President Obama used 2 Timothy as a key point during his National Prayer Breakfast address.

In Barack Obama’s address at the annual National Prayer Breakfast, the president told attendees he is not afraid of “outward threats” because “Jesus is a good cure for fear.” 

The president, who just yesterday praised Muslims, said his faith requires him to see the best in all people.  

“To begin each of our works from the shared belief that all of us want what’s good and right for our country and our future,” he said. “We can draw such strength from the quiet moments of heroism around us every single day.” 

The president has come under fire for refusing to call terrorist organizations like the Islamic State “radical Islam.” 

In his speech at the Prayer breakfast, he told the audience it’s because he refuses to let fear rule his life.  

“Fear can feed our most selfish impulses and erode the bonds of community. It is a primal emotion – fear – one that we all experience, and it can be contagious, spreading through societies, and through nations, and if we let it consume us, the consequences of that fear can be worse than any outward threat,” Obama said. “For me, and I know for so many of you, faith is the great cure for fear. Jesus is a good cure for fear. God gives believers the power, the love, the sound mind required to conquer any fear, and what more important moment for that faith than right now?” 

Obama also acknowledged the release of Iranian prisoner Saeed Abedini as an answer to prayer.  

“Last year we prayed that he might be freed and this year we give thanks that he is home safe,” the president said. 

For more on the Prayer Breakfast, watch the video. 

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