Jesus Trumps 18 Hens in Deliverance Story


Sharda’s demonic possession was agonizing. The demon torturing her wouldn’t allow her to stay in one place, and sometimes Sharda couldn’t even breathe properly. Although her parents tried many things to free her from the demonic oppression, they didn’t know how to solve the problem. Sharda seemed trapped in the clutches of the evil spirit.

As a last resort, Sharda’s parents took her to a witchdoctor who advised them to sacrifice 18 hens to appease their traditional deities. After the sacrifice, instead of improving, her condition regressed. Still, her parents took the advice of neighbors and relatives and continued taking her to supposed sources of help, like temples and witchdoctors. Nothing worked—until someone pointed Sharda to the church of Gospel for Asia-supported missionary Sanjiv Reddy.

Witnessing Sharda’s predicament, Sanjiv and the congregation prayed for her earnestly and encouraged her from the Bible, telling her about the miracles performed by Jesus Christ.

Sharda’s restoration occurred gradually, until one Sunday everyone realized she was completely healed! Now she is healthy, experiencing the peace of Christ in both her mind and body. She chose to follow Jesus and started regularly attending the church.

“God is great!” Pastor Sanjiv exclaimed in regard to Sharda’s transformation. “I thank God for this miracle that He has done among the villagers to understand the power of Jesus Christ.”


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