IHOPKC's vision statement superimposed over image from the 24/7 prayer room

Morning Rundown: IHOPKC Facing Calls for Closure From Billy Graham’s Grandson


Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on cn.mycharisma.com:

IHOPKC Facing Calls for Closure From Billy Graham’s Grandson

In another shocking development, the International House of Prayer Kansas City (IHOPKC) is under intense scrutiny after a third woman came forward with allegations of grooming and sexual abuse against the ministry’s founder, Mike Bickle.

Boz Tchividjian, attorney and grandson of evangelist Billy Graham, has called unequivocally for the permanent closure of IHOPKC in light of these distressing revelations.

Tchividjian expressed his strong stance on social media platform X, “It’s time. It’s time to permanently close the doors at IHOPKC. It’s time to take whatever monies are left & put them into a fund for those whose lives have been wrecked by a place that claims to love Jesus so much it prays to him 24/7. The praying hasn’t worked. It’s just made IHOPKC more pious in defending the indefensible. It’s time.”

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How Africa’s False Prophets Are Spreading Deception

In a church in Kampala, Uganda, a mysterious “prophet” known as Brother Innocent asks a woman to come to the front of the room. Then, in front of others, he puts on surgical gloves and reaches under the woman’s skirt to fondle her private parts. In most cases he eventually pulls out a piece of cloth, a coin or an animal skin—and then proclaims that he has “delivered” the woman from witchcraft.

In other cases, he reaches under the neckline of a woman’s shirt and fondles her breasts—and then pulls out an object. In videos he posts on TikTok, it’s obvious he’s using old-fashioned sleight-of-hand techniques. He should be arrested for sexual abuse; instead, gullible women are lining up to be touched by this so-called prophet of God.

Despite his name, this man is certainly not “innocent.” I wish I could say he’s alone in his vile attempt to deceive, abuse and exploit people financially. But the sad reality is that a small army of spiritual imposters have taken Africa by storm during the past decade:

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Is ‘He Gets Us’ Presenting a Jesus Who Is Too Much Like Us?

I appreciate every effort to make Jesus known to a world that does know who He really is, especially to a world that has false perceptions about Him. I appreciate those who are willing to think outside the box and find unconventional ways to get people interested in hearing about the Savior. And I appreciate Christians who are willing to invest large amounts of money to reach massive secular audiences.

But I don’t appreciate efforts that, in the end, might do more harm than good.

I’m speaking here, of course, about the “He Gets Us” ad campaign, designed to tell a hurting and lost world that Jesus understands who they are.{eoa}

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