Nonprofit Fights for Truth From Biden Administration About Its Inaction on Border Crisis


It’s no secret that America’s southern border with Mexico is more vulnerable than it’s possibly ever been before. But as we just told you, the situation may be even worse than imagined—especially for women and children being targeted and victimized by vile human traffickers:

Last year, there were a record 1.7 million arrests at the southern border. That does not even account for the people who crossed the border without being apprehended. Sex traffickers, for example, try not to confront the Border Patrol. While officers try to detain and process those they catch crossing—being overwhelmed by the sheer numbers—the traffickers transport their victims at unguarded places along the border. Ditto the drug cartels. Reuters reports that, according to Department of Homeland Security officials, they expect as many as 9,000 arrests per day by the spring.

But as we’ve told you, President Biden is too busy to even visit the U.S. border with Mexico to view the situation firsthand. Perhaps Biden’s absence from the border is less about his schedule and more about plausible deniability. If he doesn’t see the humanitarian crisis he’s allowed to spiral out of control, it’s not really happening, right?

Unfortunately, the rest of us can’t rely on “out of sight, out of mind” as women and children are being victimized and illegal migrants are being shuttled on airplanes all over the country under cover of night and dropped off on Main Street.

Many Americans are rightfully fed up with Biden’s failed pet issues such as so-called election reform and the Build Back Better debacle, while the president seems to be completely ignoring the border.

It’s been documented that known terrorists have been apprehended coming into the U.S. from Mexico. And according to one report: “U.S. Customs and Border Protection a month ago reported a 1,066% increase in the amount of fentanyl seized in fiscal year 2021 in south Texas.”

In fact the Department of Immigration and Customs Enforcement reported that 90% of undocumented migrants arrested in 2020 “had criminal convictions or pending criminal charges at the time of arrest.” Are we just to assume that number has somehow gone down?

Meanwhile the one action Biden actually has taken regarding the border might be the most disturbing—canceling, or at least “postponing” a program put in place by President Donald Trump that targeted known sex offenders sneaking over the border.

As reported:

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has canceled an operation that targets illegal immigrants with convictions for sex crimes, former head of the agency Thomas Homan told Fox News.

“On Wednesday, February 3rd, another email went out to the field shutting down the national Operation Talon, that sought to arrest at-large illegal aliens with sex crime convictions to include child molestation,” he said.

Despite all these disturbing facts, we reported President Biden appears more interested in stoking the embers of war with Russia in Ukraine than dealing with a major issue here at home that is putting our national security at risk.

At the ACLJ, we have filed not just one, but three Freedom of Information Act requests to three Biden agencies—U.S. Customs and Border Protection, the Department of Homeland Security and ICE— demanding answers on why the Biden administration is not fighting the critical humanitarian issues and security disasters the president’s border policies have created. Our record demands seek documents on a number of other border-related issues as well. You can view each of our FOIAs here, here and here.

We’re demanding answers on why this administration is not fighting the dangers at our own border.

Among other things, we’ve requested all “records discussing and showing what actions are being taken to protect unaccompanied minors and women from trafficking and/or exploitation.”

While two of the three agencies finally responded to our FOIAs—but not sufficiently compliant with the law—none of these agencies are providing answers to the American people. So now the ACLJ is preparing to take them all to federal court and do everything within our power to hold the administration accountable for the disastrous border policies.

We’ve had enough of the Biden administration’s indifference and inaction regarding this crisis at the border. The president must be held accountable. But we need you. Sign our urgent petition and demand action from the Biden administration to stop endangering helpless women and children as well as Americans. {eoa}

This article originally appeared at

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