One Military Chaplain Makes Desperate Plea: Our Heroes Going Through ‘Hell’


A lead military chaplain called us requesting prayer. His heart is burdened by the flood of soldiers coming to him, many in tears, over the abuse they are experiencing because they are seeking a religious exemption to taking the COVID shots.

Whereas private sector employees are forced to choose between the jab or their job, our military heroes face losing their freedom and even their future.

Military members are being told that if they refuse to take the shots, they will be sent to prison and dishonorably discharged.

The threats and bullying are unbelievable. We have confirmed the same type of abuse with numerous military members. Many have served multiple tours of duty in foreign battlefields and have earned high honors. Yet, these heroes are bullied, shamed and threatened with solitary confinement!

Tearfully, the chaplain explained he expects many will cave to the pressure—and worse yet—he expects some will commit suicide.

The chaplain has been referring soldiers to Liberty Counsel in the hope we can free them from the grim fate that awaits them.

The chaplain is afraid that he, too, will be sent to prison. He is willing to do anything he can because he knows God has called him.

It was a heart-wrenching conversation.

Our staff prayed with the chaplain and will continue to pray for him and the tens of thousands of military heroes who are facing unimaginable abuse.

We will be filing a class-action suit against Joe Biden’s Department of Defense. The deadline for these heroes is closing in.

God is raising up a new kind of army, an army of diligent legal warriors defending the unalienable RIGHT of religious freedom.

We have received a crushing number of anxious pleas from tens of thousands of people desperate to avoid the shots. More than a quarter-million people have viewed our legal help video to date; tens of thousands have completed our legal help request forms; and more than 1,000 new requests for help come in every day.

In addition to our team, we have trained and equipped over 50 affiliate attorneys to help us in the fight. Each day, we are engaging more attorneys.

One affiliate attorney used our New York and Maine lawsuits to file a suit against Rhode Island where the governor declared NO religious exemptions would be accepted.

Another affiliate attorney has a successful bankruptcy practice. He just won a temporary restraining order against the City of Gainesville, FL. Now he believes God is calling him to fight for religious freedom full time!

Our nation is navigating very troubling times. We warned about this in March 2020 when government tyrants attacked America’s churches with unlawful restrictions.

Unable to destroy the church, out-of-control tyrants are now attacking God’s faithful. While the litigation to defend pastors and churches was intense, what we face now is much greater and is emotionally draining.

I never thought we would see good people treated like garbage in America. Now, I can see how the Nazis created propaganda to dehumanize and destroy other human beings.

In April 2020, we warned about Vaccine Passports and the globalists’ twisted agenda. Some thought we were wrong. But here we are today, and it is far worse than we could have imagined just 17 months ago.

I cannot begin to describe our “typical” day since mid-July when Biden’s VA announced mandatory shots. People call our offices weeping. Some are close to retirement and will lose everything. Some, tragically, are suicidal.

Military members cannot give a two-week notice. They are like prisoners. If they request a religious exemption, all hell is unleashed against them. You cannot imagine the abuse and pressure they are facing.

Military heroes sacrifice everything for our freedom. We will defend them. The gates of hell shall not prevail. {eoa}

For the original article, visit

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