Pelosi Bans GOP Representatives From Jan. 6 Investigation; Leader McCarthy Strikes Back


Despite previous vows to work together, the divide between the Republican and Democratic Parties continues to widen on Capitol Hill, revealed in recent events concerning the Jan. 6 investigation committee. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., blocked two of GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy’s appointments from the committee, and McCarthy, R-Calif., has now countered by boycotting the committee, pulling his three remaining Republican picks from the investigatory panel and vowing to “run our own investigation.”

In a Wednesday statement, Pelosi stated her decision to reject McCarthy’s recommendations of Reps. Jim Banks, Ind., and Jim Jordan, Ohio, both avowed supporters of former President Donald Trump, as committee members. “With respect for the integrity of the investigation, with an insistence on the truth and with concern about statements made and actions taken by these Members, I must reject the recommendations of Representatives Banks and Jordan to the Select Committee,” she wrote, closing with “The unprecedented nature of January 6th demands this unprecedented decision.”

McCarthy struck back, immediately withdrawing the remaining three Republicans from what Pelosi had termed a bipartisan panel. “This is a sham committee that’s just politically driven by Speaker Pelosi,” McCarthy said per Fox News.

McCarthy also announced that Republicans will sponsor their own investigation into the events of Jan. 6.

“We will run our own investigation. We have law enforcement, we have military, we have doctors, we have people from all walks of life. They want to know the answer, the American people deserve that. They don’t deserve politics; they don’t deserve destroying the institution. No committee in Congress will work if one person can pick all who can serve. This has not happened before,” McCarthy commented in a press conference.

He continued his comments via Twitter today:

One Republican lawmaker will remain on the select committee: Pelosi appointee Rep. Liz Cheney, Wyo., who was ousted from her No. 3 House leadership position earlier this year following her vocal criticism of former President Donald Trump.

The panel will hold its first hearing next week. {eoa}

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