Police Investigate Church After Poster Warning About Hell
Police have investigated a Baptist church over a poster which suggested non-believers would burn in Hell.
A 20-year-old passer-by complained the sign did not tally with the message “love thy neighbour.”
The poster read: “If you think there is no God, you better be right” with a picture of burning flames below the words.
Pastor John Rose of Attleborough Baptist Church in Norfolk, said the poster was an attempt to get people to engage with the Christian message and he regretted that it had been interpreted as inciting hatred.
A police spokesman said national guidance required them to investigate the complaint that the poster was offensive and the matter had been recorded as a “hate incident.” After talking to the police the poster was taken down.
A Daily Mirror survey showed its readers were 2-1 in favor of the church displaying the poster.
This article originally appeared on Christian Concern.