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Pro-Life Group Up in Arms Over OTC Birth Control Pills

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) has recommended that birth control pills be sold over the counter, in the same manner as cough drops, aspirin, or toothpaste. ACOG released its opinion November 21 and published it in the December issue of Obstetrics & Gynecology
“It comes as no surprise that ACOG recommended that oral contraceptives be sold over the counter, without the need of a doctor’s prescription or a parent’s knowledge,” said Jim Sedlak, vice president of American Life League. “After all, this is the same group that, in 1965, arbitrarily redefined pregnancy–without any scientific basis whatsoever–so its members could circumvent abortion laws and prescribe birth control pills.” 
Sedlak that ACOG changed the meaning of pregnancy from its historical and medically accurate definition of “moment of fertilization” to “time of implantation.” This is because then, like now, oral contraceptives often did not prevent conception, but instead made the uterine wall hostile to the living human embryo. The definition change was critical in order to make the unscientific claim that a contraceptive prevents pregnancy rather than is an abortifacient that terminates it.  

“The danger to human life does not stop with the preborn baby. Manufacturers of oral contraceptives have, for years, admitted some other deadly side effects of using the artificial hormones. These include heart attacks, pulmonary embolisms, and blood clots that lead to strokes. We have documented the deadly effects of the pill in our educational efforts and on our website (ThePillKills.com),” Sedlak says.

“It is an absolute tragedy that these dangerous drugs are being considered for over-the-counter status. Just as in 1965, this is all about ACOG’s agenda, not the safety of the women, teenage girls, and their babies who are put at risk of irreparable harm if this is allowed to happen. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) must approve OTC status. American Life League is encouraging all citizens to be vigilant for any announcements and to register all complaints with the FDA when this change is actively considered.”



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